Gideros 2021.10 has just been released!
A few fixes and improvements on this one, yet the biggest addition is the (still beta) Oculus Quest export support. It lacks working hand tracking support, but what you can do with Gideros on Oculus is already impressive. And having a Gideros player right in the headset to test your code live is something that makes Gideros unique.
Documentation about Oculus API isn't published yet, but if you'd like to try for yourself don't hesitate to ask on the forum.
New features[export/oculus] Oculus Quest export support
Improvements[core] Add application:getNativePath()
[plugin/imgui] Better way to detect modifiers keys (ALT, CTRL, SHIFT, META (SUPER))
[plugin/imgui] 1.84.2 update
[plugin/imgui] Added "IO:loadIniSettings(file_path)"
[TextureBase] Added "getSize" function
[lib/luashader] Handle WebGL2
[desktop/input] Propagate table/pen button to touch event
[core] Effect stack now support automatic buffer resizing
[plugin/reactphysics3d] Add a few missing API calls
Fixes[plugins/bump] Fixes for some API calls
[plugin/imgui] Fixed "ImGui:pushFont()"
[plugin/imgui] Added "IO:saveIniSettings(file_path)"
[plugin/imgui] Fixed "attempt to call a nil value" issue when using input text OR window resize callbacks
[Sprite] Fixed "Sprite:redrawEffects()"
[qt] Avoid reporting duplicate mouse events for pen events
Download it from here:
A ) when 'use windows ink' is set to on in wacom settings then:
1. i get pressure info when using the pen.
2. the touch.mouseButton is always 0, also when i just click the pen button (while hovering) instead of drawing with it, and thus it WRONGLY behaves like a left-click in my imgui items.
B ) when 'use windows ink' is set to off in wacom settings then:
1. i do not get pressure info, more precisely the events are WRONGLY registered as mouse events and not penTablet events.
2. the touch.mouseButton is correctly 1 if i draw and 2 if i click the pen button (while hovering), and thus it behaves like a right-click in my imgui items.
EDIT: i'm happy to test if you can come up with some kind of correction, this issue is really unpleasant since i've spent months on switching to imgui and now a big part of the gui depends on right clicking with the pen button.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
even more, it seems qt can work with wintab directly or with windows ink, and it is possible to switch between these two options:
i think now gideros probably uses windows ink. can we switch or even better add this option somewhere? (in project settings or in api)
my guess is that perhaps wintab version would work better, but of course it needs to be tested.
see also
"New in Qt 5.4: QTabletEvent includes all information available from the device, including QTabletEvent::buttons(). Previously it was not possible to accept all tablet events and also know which stylus buttons were pressed."
my guess is that allowing to switch on/off if my app uses wintab or windows ink drivers could be the solution (as i think wintab would work correctly).
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
in any case what i get is something like (when alternately drawing and pressing pen button):
with windows ink:
penTablet pressure: 0.328125 button: 0
penTablet pressure: 0 button: 0
penTablet pressure: 0.1083984375 button: 0
penTablet pressure: 0 button: 0
penTablet pressure: 0.2861328125 button: 0
penTablet pressure: 0 button: 0
penTablet pressure: 0.2509765625 button: 0
penTablet pressure: 0 button: 0
without windows ink:
mouse pressure: 0 button: 1
mouse pressure: 0 button: 2
mouse pressure: 0 button: 1
mouse pressure: 0 button: 2
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
it seems switching to wintab driver can be done in-app so that could be a lua function to change and thus optional (and windows driver could be default).
overall by what i read so far, in many apps (krita, etc. ) it seems there are also plenty of issues with how windows handles tablets, in particular wacoms, and they end up using wintab in some way or another.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
The accompanying text file contains the whole list (warnings and errors), for information only. I think it is due to imgui?
Thank you and viva Gideros
thank you
PS: here is the new log with the new upload
gideros forum error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array
Likes: MoKaLux
I commented this code:
self.imgui:dummy(28, 28)
-- self.imgui:beginDisabled(0) -- crashes html5
-- self.imgui:dragFloat("speed", 0, 0.001, nil, nil, "%.2f", 0)
-- self.imgui:endDisabled() -- crashes html5
Maybe it is because of bad argument in self.imgui:beginDisabled(0) although this works on windows!
Please note both beginDisabled and endDisabled crash html5.
Thank you (at)hgy29 for finding the issue
Likes: MoKaLux, SinisterSoft
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: keszegh
or is it? as it is now i cannot replace my touch listeners with mouse listeners even though that would be my attempt at the imgui issues.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game