Still discovering 3D game creation and experimenting with various tools. Today a demo of Gideros showing a 3D race track built with Kenney Asset Forge ( and some assets from Keith (
Rather happy with the result so far.
If you like those tools, please help their authors with a donation.
After experimenting with 3d I discovered I needed height field shape:
Are you using it in your demo?
From the demo it seems each models are separated (trees, hills, ...) because they cast shadows. How did you build the level?
I used tiled to build my 3d world but the tool is not very well suited for 3d. Building the level in blender would be the best way but that would mean using height field shape which I haven't experimented with yet.
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The terrain is a single model built with asset forge. Today I’ll try to add a vehicle on the track and see how I’ll handle collisions and controls.
Likes: MoKaLux
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
The ground, walls, houses, bins are different 3d objects.
The problem is arranging the 3D scene, I tried using tiled, that works but I have to work from a top down view and know the exact dimensions of my objects for best results!
What I am missing the most today with r3d are heightfieldshape and animations.
The obj class you wrote works just great
sample code is here:
Their team consists of ~20 employees who previously worked in large gamedev companies. Currently, nothing is known about the W4. Will it be open-source, who sponsors product development, and how will they keep paying salaries to 20 employees.
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
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I am still struggling with 3D physics inaccuracies (objects sometimes going through the terrain and getting stuck) so I changed my mind for a lander game, for which accuracy is far less important. It uses recent gideros math additions (vectoir length, normalisation), which turn out to be very handy.
Likes: MoKaLux, SinisterSoft, oleg
the camera following all movements makes me dizzy, there could be some limit after which the camera follows the object.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: MoKaLux
I have read from reactphysics that the source has been refactored, is the wiki still valid or do we need to redo it from scratch?
It was a great game and really popular.
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Lua Shaders are really fantastic!
Likes: MoKaLux, oleg, vitalitymobile
By the way @hgy29, you just helped flat-earthers about proving the earth is flat in your video game
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: keszegh, MoKaLux
Likes: MoKaLux, SinisterSoft
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Likes: keszegh, MoKaLux
First of all: I am very happy you have updated r3d to v0.8, hgy29, you are awesome , thank you, thank you, thank you
I am geeking with gideros, r3d and 3d animation, ... I was hoping that debugDraw was implemented in gideros and ... it is
Will post a sample project here soon God's willing.
Also will hopefully do a YT video on how easy it is to import your model from mixamo to gideros
Gideros rocks!
Likes: hgy29
I don't really get how to setup lighting correctly to have the shadow shown on all the map
I will try to add more stuff to the scene it's pretty nude right now, plus add more anims for the player
Please tell me how the controls feel + the camera follow. I am doing the right calculations
Likes: hgy29
About lighting:
- Lighting.setLight(x,y,z,a) sets the position of the light source (spotlight) and the amount of ambient light
- Lighting.setLightTarget(x,y,z,d,f) sets the target of the light source. x,y,z is the position where the light is pointing at, d determines the projection distance when computing shadows: d gives the far plane, and the near plane is computed as d/16 internally. This means that only objects between d and d/16 in the light cone will cast shadows. Select d wisely as it has an impact on shadow precision. Finally f is the FoV angle (actually the half angle), it determines the opening of your spotlight cone, and has a consequence on the shadow precision too. The lib use a 1024x1024 shadow map.
I suggest that you remove the setLight call from levelX.lua, and change the lighjting code in Player1.lua to:
Likes: MoKaLux