Maybe others here have received multiple email notifications from Google regarding several of their API's that are being shutdown in early March this year.
This issue affects 3 of my games. All three games are unable to connect to Google Play Services (using the gaming plugin) without the Google Drive API being enabled. Sadly this is one of the API's that Google are shutting down. This of course will result in making my games no longer function

After a discussion on slack some time ago with
@hgy29, he suggested that there was something in the gaming plugin that needs to be modified so that Google Play Services can be connected to without requiring Drive APi.
I would like to know if there will be a new release including the fix for this before the shutdown date of March 27 2019
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
(I agree that it would be great if googledrive dependency is fixed)
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
I guess there are other places offering the facility to have leaderboards and achievements? I dunno. Using googles seems quite easy.
I think that this issue is resolved quickly because a bunch of my games (and other peoples games I guess) won't function until it is resolved and in theory all future games will also not work and that's not very good is it?
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
Likes: SinisterSoft
I'm assuming Id use the files in "C:\Gideros\All Plugins\gaming" and compile one of those android sources to somehow create the file?
This files is added to your android project on export, so you can even edit it right from android studio, then share it here once you are happy with the changes.
Function names in it are rather self explanatory.
So if I decide to go with the direct export method I edit the file in the bin folder right?
I've got the thing compiling in Android Studio after spending most of a day f**king about with it. Really.. this kind of thing is best done by somebody who knows what they are doing. It would take somebody with actual knowledge maybe an hour to fix but I've wasted so much time already and still haven't begun testing
Don't forget to share your experience with us at the end, every kind of information shared from person's own experiences will be appreciated by all users i am sure of it.
Likes: Apollo14
@hgy29 I commented out that line and the line 14 with the import. I then removed the dependency for plus (I can't even remember where I stumbled across that). So far it seems to work. I disabled both APIs in the google play center API web app and the game loads and connects to play services and leaderboards and achievements are functioning so fingers crossed.
I'll have to repeat this arduous process for another four games and then it's done. However, until these changes are made to the core of Gideros I guess I won't be able to use the direct export to APK from inside Gideros Studio, which I feel has been one of the best things added to it ever! This kind of feature is what (I feel) users want.. they don't want to piss about with Android Studio.. they want to create their games and export with a couple of simple clicks
Likes: Apollo14
Likes: pie, antix, Apollo14, talis
I'm pretty sure removing those and modifying those two lines in t"" have resolved the issue.
I'm now working on another game also.
As an asiude it was a good chance to change a few things in Exetor. I've added a zoom feature so you can now see more of what's going on around you when you are moving quickly. I also tweaked some enemies so the game is a bit harder now too
Last 1.5 months I was working with UE4 during free time, there're hell lot of complicated challenges and it seems like there's no end. Other U-engine most likely is not easier (their ex-evangelist once told that they have enormous iceberg of buggy legacy code they're afraid of even touching, cause whole devteam changed many times; While in UE4 there're lots of stuff included, Unity's clients have to heavily rely on assetstore solutions, that frequently are 'duct tape', or broken, or incompatible with current engine version, etc.).
Other smaller engines... you know about other smaller engines...
(sorry for offtopic, I don't intend to argue, just personal obsevations, I don't claim they're 100% true)
p. s. I really love that quote and trying to stick to it when I'm thinking about engine limitations:
"How did John Carmack create Doom? Did he just give up and blame the lack of something, when he needed to write every piece for himself?
What I am trying to say is when did developers lose the lack of inventiveness? There haven’t always been libraries to handle functions and editors to drag and drop."
p.p.s. Btw that's awesome that google drive dependency is fixed! Thanks a lot @antix !!
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
IMHO Unity has always been a pile of junk, I've messed about with it a few times during its lifetime and I feel that it never really got any better
I can't agree with the whole Carmack angle either.. he is an engine programmer, I'm not
Anyway, crisis averted for now so time to soldier on.
Likes: Apollo14
In the end you are always in a stronger position if you can deal with more levels, but yeah, it requires a lot of knowledge and experience.
Likes: Apollo14, talis