Unfortunately only iOS works for me, on Android(emulator and device) there is an error: D/Gideros(27732): File does not exist D/Gideros(27732): stack traceback: D/Gideros(27732): ...assets/assets/main.lua.jet:116: in main chunk
main.lua:116 => local media = Media.new("ball.png")
Updated Gaming Interface version 0.4 (Android) GameCircle fixed callback null pointer (Android) GameCircle fixed destroying in Gideros Player (Android) Google play fixed login null pointer (Android) Fixed dispatching loadState on update (Android) Google play key check and max results check (IOS) Initial version with GameCenter and iCloud support
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!). https://deluxepixel.com
@ar2rsawseen I just tried on gideros playeron on Android, but it didn't start: main.lua:2: module 'media' not found: no field package.preload['media'] no file './media.lua' no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/media.lua' no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/media/init.lua' no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/media.lua' no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/media/init.lua' no file './media.so' no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/media.so' no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so' stack traceback: main.lua:2: in main chunk
Added ligmedia.so to project (as media.so), another error: error loading module 'media' from file './media.so': dynamic libraries not enabled; check your Lua installation
Will the labs preview be updated now that @Atilim is back?
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!). https://deluxepixel.com
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!). https://deluxepixel.com
@ar2rsawseen I modified /removed these lines in main.lua so it works on Android (as exported project) but when I select a picture from the gallery it crashes. Logcat:
/data/data/hu.progart.mediatest/files/20140402_061149_gideros.png: No such file or directory.
<img class="emoji" src="http://forum.giderosmobile.com/resources/emoji/anguished.png" title="D:" alt="D:" height="20"/>/Source/smartphone/gideros/_builds/Media/assets/assets/main.lua.jet:63: infunction<D:/Source/smartphone/gideros/_builds/Media/assets/assets/main.lua.jet:25>
main.lua:63=> bmp = Bitmap.new(Texture.new(media:getPath(), true))
I guess this is the same problem as above
And "Play Video" does nothing I added a "print" to playVideo method in GMedia.java but no entry in logcat
@ar2rsawseen (were the android changes already done in a previous update, maybe today? - there were no file size changes).
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!). https://deluxepixel.com
Updated Facebook plugin, v0.5 fixed apprequests returning as canceled and added returning request or post id as response parameter to dialog complete event
On OSX I've added the media libs to the plugins folder and keep getting an error when trying to run the emulator with require('media')...
module 'media' not found: no field package.preload['media' . . .
Any ideas?
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!). https://deluxepixel.com
Basically problem is accessing files in |R| (Resource) directory and it seems to be something Android specific
Same way probably a video file can't be played, because it can't find it.
I would like to play a video file (but not in fullscreen). I created a plugin based on your media plugin and but I ran the same problem as above. I've tried g_pathForFile in two different ways, but failed:
@ar2rsawseen: With the labs facebook plugin I'm grabbing a list of all friends with some extra fields to see if the have the app installed and what score they have (the normal scores just returns a list of top 20 scores). Facebook appears to be splitting the information into 'pages'. Using the plugin how do you cope with the pages?
here is the call: facebook:get("/me/friends",{fields="id,name,installed,score"})
here is a sample of the data (a number or two has been changed to protect the innocent):
{.....loads of easy to figure table data then... ,"paging":{"next":"https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/1268113038\/friends?fields=id,name,installed,score&format=json&access_token=CAxxxxxxxxxxxxxYAZDZD&limit=5000&offset=5000&__after_id=enc_Aexi8UJmuxxxxxx"}}
Coder, video game industry veteran (since the '80s, ❤'s assembler), arrested - never convicted hacker (in the '90s), dad of five, he/him (if that even matters!). https://deluxepixel.com
with the Media iOS plugin example app crashes after video stops (through Xcode, on iOS simulator) I commented a line [self.Alayer release] from 'GMediaView stop' (GMediaClass.mm) method and it works
Unfortunately this is the android limitation, that files can't be played form package.
The solution is simple, I copy them over to Documents |D| directory and then pass the g_pathForFile with "|D|" path inside
I made a simple plugin based on your Media plugin which plays a video in a specific size. In this plugin I use your copyfile function (from iOS mediabinder.cpp) on Android but my test app randomly chrashes while playing a video.
But it should work on IOS and Android for mp4 files.
Unfortunately only iOS works for me, on Android(emulator and device) there is an error:
D/Gideros(27732): File does not exist
D/Gideros(27732): stack traceback:
D/Gideros(27732): ...assets/assets/main.lua.jet:116: in main chunk
main.lua:116 => local media = Media.new("ball.png")
Because I just tried the exported project and gideros player on Android and all seems to work, opening image files
version 0.4
(Android) GameCircle fixed callback null pointer
(Android) GameCircle fixed destroying in Gideros Player
(Android) Google play fixed login null pointer
(Android) Fixed dispatching loadState on update
(Android) Google play key check and max results check
(IOS) Initial version with GameCenter and iCloud support
Likes: SinisterSoft
main.lua:2: module 'media' not found:
no field package.preload['media']
no file './media.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/media.lua'
no file '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1/media/init.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/media.lua'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/media/init.lua'
no file './media.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/media.so'
no file '/usr/local/lib/lua/5.1/loadall.so'
stack traceback:
main.lua:2: in main chunk
Added ligmedia.so to project (as media.so), another error:
error loading module 'media' from file './media.so':
dynamic libraries not enabled; check your Lua installation
Did I forget something while install?
thanks and sorry for newbie questions
but in the activity you should put:
The module error ("module 'media' not found") occurs when I try to run through Gideros Studio (with remote player on Android)
When I try to run it through Eclipse another error occurs (I mentioned earlier): it can't find file "ball.png"
I made some modification to the example lua file:
But the original doesn't work:
at least in my case
and it works on iOS... :-O
So the problem is when not using as player but as exported app, right? will recheck that case
Especially, not sure if you want me to answer you on 1st of April, not after what you've done
Likes: SinisterSoft
And "Play Video" does nothing
I added a "print" to playVideo method in GMedia.java but no entry in logcat
Have you any idea?
I will debug more tomorrow
Basically problem is accessing files in |R| (Resource) directory and it seems to be something Android specific
Same way probably a video file can't be played, because it can't find it.
Likes: SinisterSoft
version 0.5
IOS Fixed achievement caching
IOS Prevents submiting same achievement more than 1 time
Google Play fixed resolving connection bug
Likes: SinisterSoft
Likes: SinisterSoft
fixed apprequests returning as canceled
and added returning request or post id as response parameter to dialog complete event
Likes: SinisterSoft
module 'media' not found:
no field package.preload['media'
Any ideas?
I would like to play a video file (but not in fullscreen). I created a plugin based on your media plugin and but I ran the same problem as above.
I've tried g_pathForFile in two different ways, but failed:
The solution is simple, I copy them over to Documents |D| directory and then pass the g_pathForFile with "|D|" path inside
here is the call:
here is a sample of the data (a number or two has been changed to protect the innocent):
{.....loads of easy to figure table data then... ,"paging":{"next":"https:\/\/graph.facebook.com\/1268113038\/friends?fields=id,name,installed,score&format=json&access_token=CAxxxxxxxxxxxxxYAZDZD&limit=5000&offset=5000&__after_id=enc_Aexi8UJmuxxxxxx"}}
I commented a line [self.Alayer release] from 'GMediaView stop' (GMediaClass.mm) method and it works