Attached is my port of Esoteric Software's Spine Corona Runtime found here:
https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimesA bit hack and slash, but it works!
NOTE: Added changes by
@petec here
Ultimate Games on Appstore
Ultimate Games on Google Play
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
Note we'll be refactoring the Corona Lua runtime into a generic Lua runtime that the Corona runtime uses. That should make it even easier for you to implement one for Gideros.
That source formatter was me
The changed files are:
Also added file spine/json.lua
I've attached a version with your original formatting so you can do a diff
Thanks for such a great tool!!!
I look forward to the generic Lua runtime (and an updated LWJGL for OSX)
NOTE: Added changes by @petec here
Likes: talis
.\spine\SkeletonJson.lua:358: attempt to index upvalue 'json' (a boolean value)
I get the same error if I simply try to hide an image attached to a bone by setting its visibility, without trying to swap images. Any ideas what is causing that?
Have you made sure you use upper case for the json calls e.g Json.Decode(jsonText)
My problem is that I don't understand what's going on in all the spine files, so I can't unravel it! I'll have a play with visibility in the demo project to see what that does.
Thanks, Pete
In Slot lua around line 45 I changed:
In SkeletonJson.lua around line 357 I changed:
attachmentName == json.null
attachmentName == null
I think that's all I needed to change to get it working. Can't be 100% sure as I tried several other things along the way while trying to make sense of things.
Thought I'd let you know in case you wanted to tweak your code for anyone who might be downloading it. You'd better check it works if you do in case I've missed anything here.
Quite surprised myself that I found the problem
nice detective work!
Here's an update with your changes - I can't test as I only have a trial version of Spine
Thanks, Pete
Line 12 of your main.lua would benefit from adding 'true' to anti-alias the images:
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
Likes: Mells
no time to test now but thanks for sharing
(someone please help makes it a clickable link, I don't have permission
Likes: phongtt
first thanks all for your portings.
I have a question:
how game performance are affected using Spine instead of raster sprites?
Is there some degradation on some platform?
I know that spine make the game use less memory as there are less image to load, but i think that memory saving will hit the CPU mole... I'm most worried about mobile games. Have you got some intense project that use Spine and at the same time some complex game logic as intelligent enemies os particles?
With just the sample project without any changes running it on the desktop player after about 30-40seconds fps drops considerably down to a grinding halt and memory usage of the play increases dramatically.
Has anyone else had this issue?
I have not tested on mobile player yet.
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