Hi friends,
I got a few requests over the last months for 2d game art.
I got some open spots left for freelancing until march,
so I just setup a quick page to promote my work in a few places online :
2dGameArtist.comWho is it for?
- if you have already invested hours, weeks or even months in your project
- if you write beautiful code and want artworks that get people's attention
- if more than anything else you want to see your game in the App Store (and your prototypes are sleeping on your hard drive)
- if you want to increase your sales expectations
- if you have planned to invest in art assets
then I can help.
Quick Links
- [ Start ] - Access to the page
- [ Portfolio ] - For those who want to jump directly to a limited selection of images and avoid the marketing stuff
- [ Contact ] - if you are interested
A few images

If you are interested :
Later?And if you don't need my services for now but want to keep it in my mind in the future,
I'm easy to find :
2D Game Artist . com
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
@gorkem I saw the tweet, I appreciate!
Strange, I just tried and it worked. Do you have restrictions in your country, and did it already happen with other sites?
(I don't see which keyword could trigger a restriction, though.)
Does anybody else encounter the same issue?
We have a game we're working on and will be in touch
Good to know