Just like the title says,
for example, im trying to create a platformer game with many levels. After that, i want to add more levels to the game, without having the user to download all over again the game. So, i was thinking, when the game starts, the game checks to server for any new released levels, and when there's one, download it and miraculously, the game has new level. in short, can gideros run .lua file from external file(something that's exist only after development)?
i'm new to lua and sorry if its a noob question
thank you
more question,
do you mean loadfile? functions thats defined with loadfile, will it pollute the global namespace?
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
For example, create a new project. Add test.lua to the project and exclude it from automatic execution (right click test.lua > Exclude from Execution) and put this content into it:
Hope this helps.
@atilim thank you very much!!
2. Functionality.
2.7 - Apps that download code in any way or form will be rejected
Codea has been falling foul of this since day 1, it's been a constant cat and mouse game to try and get round this kind of restriction.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Still if you've got a Mac and a developer account it's not too much of an issue.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Also - the existing plugin architecture wouldn't work, you'd have to find another way to handle that.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
.... just thinking loud :-\"
»Gideros Illustrator« - [svg|xml] scene designer using Adobe Illustrator®™ Within one line of code!
well, it seems i have to find other solution. just for curiosity, how does apple check that?
They differ a little in the way the player apps work when you develop with them. And the only one that has an extra viewer app in the appstore is the AGK. But that is just a viewer with the ability to send back the input to your desktop computer. It displayes screenshots and is much slower as a normal running app. But they deliver a player project that you can compiel and install just like Gideros does. The Gideros Player waits actively in the local lan and then the IDE transmits the resources to it. The Game Maker player monitors a local webserver and reads its content when you publish a game to the webserver from Game Maker Studio. But this is all done on the local lan and for development only. Like I said before, when you publish your final app, it is a XCode project with a player app and with embedded resources (code, sounds, images). And that goes for all of these tools.
I see. well what i meant for other solution is for the loadfile. i think i'll stick with gideros for our following game. stay tuned it's gonna be a great game(but sadly not free
As I said before, downloading level data will (should) be fine as it doesn't contain any executable code, if your level data is stored in lua tables then just export them to JSON and download them as text and re-encode them locally. Ideally your app should already contain all the functionality to support any gameplay elements in the new levels, if not just release an update to your app that does BEFORE releasing new levels.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Otherwise, if it just relies upon each developer's honor, I could see Apple getting pretty cranky with gideros apps and the potential of running dynamic code... Having gideros apps banned would be a very bad thing...