So I found the OUYA's Kickstarter the other day, and instantly thought of Gideros being capable of creating games for it. They have stated that they want all developers to be able to easily (and with low cost) create games for a console, as well as the console being priced at a very low $99. There will be an included SDK which allows you to develop for their interface (gamepad) as well as their system.
Just thought I'd bring this to everyones attention as it will be interesting to see how it unfolds and whether it is worth developing for.
The Kickstarter project is here:
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
He argues that almost nothing will be compatible with the control system of the OUYA, which is true, although they didn't aim to carbon copy a touchpad to a screen, they aimed to create a console experience, utilising an existing popular system. The vast majority of games would be able to be playable with a few tweaks.
He states that the Android market is extremely lackluster, but again, he is trying to compare the OUYA's titles with Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo (which are a few hundred dollars more and games are pricey due to massive dev teams). People aren't expecting AAA titles. People want a console that they can customise as much as they want.
He states consumers won't buy something that has nothing developed for it, and developers won't develop anything for something that has no consumers. The Kickstarter has been out for 3 days, and already over 30,000 people have put money down for one. They have currently raised $3.4 million for the project, while they were aiming at $950,000, that is almost 4 times as much to use for additional features and upgrades.
He also says that games are moving away from the TV. This is true insofar as people generally only buy consoles for a handfull of games, this console fills that gap by not only providing a cheap console and an easy development platform with minimal costs, but also creating that connection between a console and mobile hardware. I'd say most, if not all of the simple mobile games will be available on both if the developer puts in the work for the control system, therefore consumers can just play on their phone when they're out and about. It could even use the cloud to sync between the platforms.
He argues that Android specs move too fast, which is true, but consoles in their current form will always suffer from being left behind in the hardware game unless they then produce another console every few years. The issue the "bigger" consoles face is creating a platform that will last for years and will be able to run all the AAA titles; the OUYA doesn't cater to the AAA titles, so this issue won't be as prominent.
I'm not saying that the OUYA will definitely be successful, but it definitely has a good start.
However your right - if OUYA can make an impact then it might start the ball rolling, it would only take a couple of decent titles (an Angry Birds, Bejewelled or Words with Friends clone) to push it to the tipping point required to make it a success.
With any new market - the advantage of being "first to market" are obvious, although currently I think @Atilim probably has a big enough todo list without supporting any new hardware
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
I think the console is a great way to help small developers like ourselves to get our games on a console easily and inexpensively. It also provides gamers with more choices of games for a better price. The console itself is inexpensive so just about anyone can buy one and hook it up to there tv.
I hope the console becomes a great success and finds its way into many living rooms
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Amazon: Bacon
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
I have faith that OUYA will deliver. Will OUYA be a huge success globally and grow a large customer base. Only time will tell but at least they have a good kickstart
Amazon: Bacon
Amazon: Bacon
Amazon: Bacon
Dont take it personal imo..
However it's a brave move by the Ouya team and good luck to them if they can pull it off. Other than Angry Birds I think the main thing they need to remember when they design the interface and the UI is that 99.9999999% of their customers don't know anything about Android (actually couldn't give a flying **** about Android), don't want to see all this techy stuff, don't want to have to read a 100 page manual to turn it on, don't have (or want) a degree in computer science (or astronavigation) - they just want to plug it in to their telly, and play games!
Just my $0.02
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Amazon: Bacon
Seeing as the device is going to be centrally located in the house, it might make a good spot for a "fridge door" or a local notice / message board / calendar app. Or maybe some kind of live wallpaper that uses a photo stream to display photo's on a big screen?
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Likes: SinisterSoft
Likes: plamen, MobAmuse, techdojo, Platypus
I've already bought into it so for GiderOS to support it would be a huge bonus as GiderOS is still the best/fastest cross platform solution there is for noobs and well seasoned developers.
Could get burned sure but at $99 or $800 for the Ouya and advance devkit thats nothing really compared to all the other devices needed these days to develop apps on so no worries if it crashes and burns later. You have to speculate to accumulate in this world to get anywhere.
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Likes: SinisterSoft
Likes: MobAmuse, SinisterSoft
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Likes: SinisterSoft