Hi there,
We are looking for someone to develop and document a small plug-in project for our games. The project would be to implement Text To Speech (TTS) plug-in for Android.
If you are interested, please send me a private message so that we can discuss the details further.
We are looking for a developer to help us create a text-to-speech (TTS) plug-in for Android. We are prepared to pay the going rate for this project.
On completion of this project we will make this plug-in available to the whole community so that other would-be plug-in developers can benefit.
We think that a TTS plug-in would be of use in many different kinds of games and applications.
If you are interested, please get in touch with us via private message, so that we can discuss the details in more depth. Alternatively, could anyone suggest where we could find a developer that would be able to complete such as project?
Many thanks,
If you find someone who is able to do the android part (java), then I'd be happy to help/do the gideros integration.
I already have a working example java project in AS that implements basic TTS with Android, but I don't know how to integrate it with Gideros bindings etc.
I'll let you know if we get any offers.
That sounds great!!
If you would like to discuss payment, please send me a private message.
In the meantime, I'll take another look at my Android project to make sure that I have covered the relevant TTS Android APIs.
Many thanks.
Just rebuild the project and everything should work.
I have also attached a simple TTS class that wraps the Lua API function calls. I have kept it fairly simple as I would like to add other features in the future.
Please let me know if you require any further information. I'm really looking forward to getting this plugin working. We will do the same for iOS after.
Many thank in advance.
Likes: hgy29
Likes: pie, NatWobble, simwhi
Likes: pie
Here is my first attempt. Requires Gideros 2017.4.1 or better...
Demo code:
Likes: SinisterSoft, antix, simwhi, pie, MoKaLux
Sample code:
Likes: MoKaLux
All looks good so far. The only thing I can't do is to change between EN-US and EN-UK (Locale.US and Locale.UK).
I have Google TTS installed on both.
The locales "en-us" and "en-uk" should in theory work on my devices, but they don't for some strange reason.
I decided to explicitly set Locale.US and Locale.UK for these cases and everything now works fine. Here is the code:
I created a Gideros project to test setSpeed(), setLanguage(), setPitch() and stop() functions continuously. All work fine.
The stop() function was called using a delayed call. The current speech stopped as expected and the next sentence started (as expected).
I also tested Locale.US and Locale.UK as described in the previous post.
Here's the test code:
Likes: hgy29
Anyway I am happy you like it, I will make it available as part of gideros distribution if you agree.
Likes: antix
I also agree to making it available to the community, too.
it's a great addition to gideros!
Likes: simwhi, MoKaLux
I'll polish up my prototype iOS TTS plugin, make it consistent with the Android version, and make it available too.
I managed to find a solution that is consistent. Here are some test cases:
Locale rl = new Locale("en", "GB");
Locale rl = new Locale("en", "US");
Locale rl = new Locale("en", "AU");
Locale rl = new Locale("fr", "fr");
I updated this method:
en_GB is the correct one for UK
@NatWobble, yes you you have the iOS part then we can make a dual platform plugin
Everything seems to be working consistently with the Android version except for the fact that the iOS plugin initialises instantly, so there isn't a TTS_INIT_COMPLETE event.
I really don't know much about C++/Objective C so if anyone notices anything glaring in the code, please let me know. Specifically, I'm not really sure how to shut it down properly. Currently the shutdown event only stops the current utterance and repeatedly refreshing the player will make it crash. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
The plugin requires AVSpeechSynthesis.
I exposed a few more of the ios features:
Here's the sample lua code: