Hello all,
Just wanted to tell you that since
@MikeHart release of Neon Command (congrats Mike

), there are now 20 apps added to BuiltWithGideros.com.
I'm am more than sure, that there are some more apps that were released using Gideros, but not added to
http://builtwithgideros.com/Trying to contact authors to verify them, etc. But if any one has an app that was built using Gideros Mobile or any one knows of this kind of app, which isn't yet added, please notify me. I will collect information and add it to website myself. For now, you don't have to do anything

And to add more channels for promoting apps, additionally to twitter account:
https://twitter.com/#!/BuiltWthGiderosthere is now BuiltWithGideros facebook page:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/BuiltWithGideros/187265891389698Now all of you can get back to zhenging
(Now all of you can get back to zhenging
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