I have some basic code that uses loadString() to run it, but my question is if I should bother finishing this for the AppStore. The reason I question this is because that means using the Gideris SDK, so it's basically selling your SDK on the AppStore. I'm assuming the answer is no, but is there any chance that I could sell this without having to re-implement Lua? If not, is there any chance I could just do it for practice and sell it as a promotional app?
P.S. That might not have been very clear. LMK if you don't understand a part of it.
Codea actually had a hard time getting their app onto the app store. Apple are paranoid about people being able to provide extra executable downloadable content without their consent (or them taking a 30% slice of it)
Likes: Zoyt
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
but exactly as @techdojo said. if you're planning to develop such an application, you should embed a text editor and allow people to edit/develop their code on their devices.
Likes: Zoyt, ndoss
I've heard Apple wont deal with minors because they can't enforce their legal agreements with minors. In other words, they wouldn't be able to sue you and throw you in jail if you break an agreement. If you lie about your age and are discovered you'll be blacklisted for life.
I have heard of minors working with adults to create apps, but then Apple is making an agreement with the adult, and the adult would be legally liable for anything you do and so that would be between you and the adult. But breaking the rules would be between the adult and Apple.
When a person gets an account the person agrees to follow certain rules and by breaking the rules the person wont just have their app pulled from the store, they could have their membership revoked (especially for running downloaded code). These are legal contracts and if the person tries to get another account, they would be likely be denied. If they lied on the legal contract about their name, well, suddenly everything is illegal.
I'm still not even sure what you are trying to do or if I think it is wrong or not. But you sound like you believe what you are doing is wrong. If you think it is wrong, why are you doing it?
Zoyt, also please take the time to edit your posts before you submit them so that we know what you mean. You are doing everyone who reads your posts a dis-service if you make no sense. I've spent a lot of time writing a reply to you that makes sense and doesn't come off as being negative. Please show us the same respect.
My apps: http://www.yummyyellow.com
And I forgot to wish you happy birthday the other day
I admire your enthusiasm but most of us here look at things differently than you do because we have different motivations and experience. Just about everyone here is doing this for their job, which means we need to get paid for our work. There is a lot of theft going on and none of us like it when someone shows up and says things that sound like theft, and "basically selling your SDK on the AppStore" sounds like theft.
I think for you this is something you want to do when you get older but right now your motivation is probably just to have fun and you may not realize that you might be taking something from someone else. Many of us are coding and giving our code away to other programmers. We all do this and share and that's why we do it, to make it easier for the others. But at the same time, we all know that someone is going to come along and take all of our work and either try to claim they wrote it, duplicate our game and spend more to advertise theirs so that they make more money, or worse, every now and then someone gets sued.
I can totally understand why MikeHart was upset by your post because you talk like a person who comes along and takes the free work of others without giving back. I don't think you are that type of person though (if I did I certianly wouldn't let you take my time time also by replying to you). I'v e seen you offer things as contributions but I don't think the things you are offering are usuable by other people. Contributions are sticky things. I've made a few things that I'm giving away and I have a certain responsibility to make it a certain quality and to maintain and support anyone who uses it. I also have to make sure I make it clear what the legal requirements are.
This stuff isn't play for us, it's very serious business. Someone on this forum has already been in the targets of a lawsuit over the name of an app. I don't know what happened with that, but this is very serious business. In addition to that, there is always the potential that someone is going to become extremely rich because of their work. But the potential of someone else coming along and stealing our work and becoming rich instead of us is actually probably higher.
So just keep doing what you're doing and be fair and honest. I'd personally rather have respect of my friends and the confidence that I do my best and haven't cheated anyone than make a lot of money, but there are way too many people who value money more.
What do you think of the idea of making an app and not selling it? If you did something like that, you remove all of the distractions of "all the money" you could make from your goals and you can focus on making a good app.
And before you can have respect and admiration from others, you have to have it towards yourself. So instead of trying to make an app that everyone will love, why don't you make an app that you love. You will probably find it is much harder to please yourself than anyone else and it may take more work and a lot more time to make that app. But if you make it then you will feel good about yourself and that is worth it and when and you consistently make apps that you love the respect and money always comes.
Likes: pmanna
My apps: http://www.yummyyellow.com
Legal: Currently Gideros Studio player is not for redistribution & resale. GM sells GS as a whole, for one purpose - to produce mobile applications.
Sorry for misunderstandings caused, I should have written this before.
Plus - IF you did manage to sneak it through (like the iMame player managed to do a couple of months ago, then it's instantly pulled as soon as they find out!
@Zoyt - PS. Happy belated birthday. I notice you seem very active on the Codea forums as well - maybe you suffer from the same enthusiasm driven lack of need for sleep that Gorkem and Atilim do
Going off on a tangent - I noticed that the oop structure on Codea seems very similar to Gideros and with the obvious exception of having a render function vs, a display hierarchy I suspect that Codea prototypes would actually convert pretty quickly to Gideros.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill