Hi there,
I got the Bitmap font to work, but it seems to only load sporadically. I am not sure why because there is no error message or warning. Does any of you encountered a similar problem? Sometimes the font appears like it should, sometimes it is all black and sometimes it does not appear at all. I will attach a simple example project. Just keep reloading the game.
Pretty weird...
Thanks for checking it out if you have time!
I would suggest that you create a bigger boxy font.
Likes: stetso
Likes: stetso
In that case I will really need to find another font or recreate this one although this seems to be an issue with the font rendering nonetheless. It is a pity that we cant use small pixel fonts because I really like them and there are many nice ones around
Likes: stetso, NatWobble
Likes: antix
- lines starting with 'common' containing font info
- lines starting with 'char' containing character data
- lines starting with 'kerning' containing kerning data
in @stetso original file, there was no line starting with 'common' so font info was left uninitialized and could have contained random values. I didn't find a precise documentation about how the file is supposed to be.
Furthermore the .fnt file (.txt in a Gideros project) on the website was listed directly in the forum post you linked so you must have cut-pasted it out with all the problems with line breaks etc that always causes. None of this indicates an error in Gideros.
IMO, you would have been better off looking through the thousands of TTF fonts available and using one in Gideros, either directly with TTFont, or indirectly using Gideros Font Creator.
Additionally, please be not mistaken: I do not expect anything and Gideros does not need to deliver or guarantee anything. It is absolutely amazing what you guys are doing with the framework and that you invest your time and knowledge and give it to people like me for free to use. I do not deduce any demands from that, but am grateful that I can even use the software at all :-) If I sounded otherwise, I apologize and blame it to my non-native English!
I also acknowledge your (and others) hint about using TTF-fonts. I agree that the selection is quite large but from my point of view there are still some things that are easier to solve with font-spritesheets (e.g. the font in question: I could not find anything of a similar quality and feel around) and I was really happy to discover that it is possible to use these type of fonts with Gideros as well, even if a little hacking is necessary. After some help of the community, I can now do it myself. Sorry, if I sounded like that was Gideros' fault!
Likes: talis, keszegh
Likes: stetso
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Let us look from the bright side of being open sourced. It is generally free. And continually evolving in realtime as far as we found people's interest in it. Anyone have the power to adapt and modify gideros. Friendly speaking our community so far is the best that i encountered.When a program is community driven you don't expect to see that it will fit the needs of the end user, hence there is no requirement to create a commercial product that will sell and generate money. If things goes wrong it is also rely on the community, i mean to us to fix the problems in any way. Not only coding, whatever skills we have we can contribute. Some of can contribute by testing, some of us making tutorials, some of us can invite people and spread the word and of course every of us if we have the opportunity and have the money by donating to the maintainers.
These thoughts are purely my objective ideas about this subject. So as a result i want to point out those key words last time;
-Spread the word.
-Test, code, share. make tutorials, help people in forum be active.
-And lastly if you are somehow commercially gaining some money from gideros or just want to show your graduation to the people who is working behind this marvelous SDK surely consider donation .
Likes: stetso
But sure, if you want to experiment that's absolutely fine and greatly encouraged. I guess if I have a tiny criticism it's that your original post should have mentioned you used a non-standard file.