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Why does RevMob show iPhone sized ads on iPads (Air)? — Gideros Forum

Why does RevMob show iPhone sized ads on iPads (Air)?

seppseppseppsepp Member
edited October 2014 in General questions
Hi @all,

anyone has a clue, why RevMob banner ads are displayed in iPhone size on iPads for me? iOS 8. The problem did not appear a few days ago when I still used Xcode 5 and devices ran on iOS 7.

I looked into RevMob code and found this one.
if (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad) {
    [view_ setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 768, 114)];
} else {
    [view_ setFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 320, 50)];
Maybe there is something going wrong in Gideros itself?

Thanks a lot in advance!



  • Am I the only one experiencing this problem =| ? Maybe I missed some Xcode project setting(s)?
  • Could it be that the problem is the orientation and not an idiom?

    That for example you expect banners to be in landscape, but they are shown for portrait?
  • @ar2rsawseen: Can I actively trigger that? The app is meant to run in portrait orientation which is also set in the Gideros project settings.
  • Weird thing is: The problem doesn't appear every time the app restarts. So it's not even reliable reproducible =| .
  • EricCarrEricCarr Member
    edited October 2014
    I also always see tiny phone sized banners in the iPad using ADMOB (not RevMob). Running portrait only. This is my code.
    gAdmob = Ads.new("admob")	
    gAdmob:addEventListener(Event.AD_RECEIVED, function() 		
    		gAdmob:setAlignment("center", "bottom") 
    gAdmob:addEventListener(Event.AD_DISPLAYED, function() gAdmob:setAlignment("center", "bottom") end)	
    gAdmob:setAlignment("center", "bottom")
    gAdmob:loadAd("banner") -- preload
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