Here is the rough renderation of the Display Library that can be part of the Compatibility Library, one of the issues was that setAnchorPoint was available only with Bitmaps and not other sprites, Here's a screenshot with the code and the output that shows that the anchor points can be managed for any object.
It still needs a little work but it's there, so with the Circles, Rectangles, Groups the Display library is nearly done and it can allow for compatibility and let beer code run on gideros. Just a few more days to polish it all up...
necro? Did not quite understand that
I had most of it working then I was side tracked onto another project (the one that pays the bills) and I shall be back to this soon. I do not see a kick starter type bid for this, but when I had asked on the forums here, there were mixed reactions, half said they did not want it, while some others were quite happy to see it fructify. This would be part of a larger library maybe called a "BeerMat" that protects you from the beer
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( )
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