I've just released my "Made with Gideros" (TM) paper racing game, Spin Off!, on the App Store.
The game was originally started about 18 months ago but was burgeoning into something huge and likely to never be released, so I stopped development of it to concentrate on other things.
So after about a year in the sidings, I came across it once more and thought it looked too good to waste so I pared it right down to the "simplest thing that could possibly work". This meant taking out Game Center, posting to Facebook and Twitter, and a track editor that was effectively a full SVG editor built right into the game.
I'll see how this new streamlined version fares and then, if it seems worth it, I might gradually add some of that stuff back in. You know, I've been going on about Agile development for 15 years and yet, somehow for this project, I just didn't do it myself (until this recent iteration).
http://spinoffgame.comApp Store:
Click HereBTW, I must thank
@MikeHart for his patience. He did the character graphics for the game and he must have wondered if his work would ever see the light of day. Sorry for the delay, Mike; it was a pleasure working with you.
Best regards
Took me a while to grasp the concept of controlling, and will probably took a while to master the angle of turns
[-] Liasoft