Hi Guys,
I think some people already know about this but just in case a few people didn't, I have a small 2D game graphics store at
http://graphic-buffet.comIt has about 200 different game graphics that are both editable and ready to use.
There is also a stack of free graphics as well.
Let me know if you need anything specific

headchef [at] graphic-buffet[dot] com
and really recommend to developers like me (without designing skills) as cheap asset store for really quality graphics, great for Indie budgets
Likes: Debug
but more of a categorization one thing was hard to find characters, thus I thought maybe you should have a separate category for characters
First time than see it.
I think that would be a good @ar2rsawseen idea that the page Gideros such third-party sites show, this would be very helpful.
I only have saw one link about it in this forum before this.
[-] Liasoft
[-] Liasoft
in any case the link you gave us can be useful, so thanks for it.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
I feel sorry also if i wasn't able to read the rules of this forum that you cant post any link if you are a newly member.