When offline(no wifi or mobile data), the only keys the event table has when calling store kit:requestProducts() are __target, __type, and __userdata. Seems like there should be at least 2 more, "error" and "errorDescription" as according to documentation.
When online, event seems to be working just fine.
However it really is a pitty with this bug that there is no indication of the error in the case of an error. I actually check if the event is an error and only if it isnt do i go through and process the event.products table. However, since there is no indication of an error, my app just crashed when it thinks there is no error and tries to access a non existent event.products table.
And yes my workaround is too just check if event.products table exists but nonetheless still a bug

Still lovin Gideros regardless!
Here is my sample code:
I think it's a bug (feature?) of Apple but it's possible to add a workaround to storekit.mm. If you want, you can update productsRequest:didReceiveResponse: function as:
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