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Reaction - A Game of Quick Thinking, and Quick Reactions — Gideros Forum

Reaction - A Game of Quick Thinking, and Quick Reactions

Hi Giderosians!

Reaction is a game to test your focus, split your attention, and sharpen your reactions. You have to keep your combo up, but break it before any of the targets sneak through. I find it a bit of a challenge, and it frustrates me too!

Give it a go, and try out Reaction! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.incigames.reaction

If you have any comments, please feel free to shoot me an IM here, leave a reply, or send me an email via the in-game link.

Hope you like it,


edit: thanks to @ar2rsawseen, @unlying, @talis, and many others for the amazing help here :)
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  • I have downloaded game it is really good i like it just some comments as a user to make it better from my point of view of course :D

    -When i started the game i could'nt find start button. (play button) It took me 5-10 sec to realize that when i press where it is written mode : classic to start the game :D
    -There is no sound and background music. I think there should be some.
    -When the game is becoming faster and faster as i destroy more and more colors from screen with pressing on them there should be some scrolling text should appear on screen like "perfect", "great focus", "good job".... and fading immediately of course not to block anything on screen. Or this text can appear in the uppest part in the screen where my soce is written to motivate user. It can be supported by sound even like in Quake.

    These are my comments as a user.

    Generally i like the idea and game well done and KongoRatz!!

    Likes: hgvyas123

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  • hgvyas123hgvyas123 Guru
    edited August 2013
    Kongrats downloading it now
  • Yes, you need sounds. Buttons to pause and exit too(or use KeyCode.BACK for that).
  • Thanks everyone! I was trying to find how to use the back button but couldn't! I'll take a look at KeyCode.BACK.

    I haven't yet put in sounds because I couldn't find free ones, but I do want to put some in :)

    You are right too it's a bit hard to figure out how to start! I'll try and fix that.

    Thanks again for all the help!
  • function menu:init()
    self:addEventListener(Event.KEY_UP, self.onKeyUp, self)

    function menu:onKeyUp(event)
    if event.keyCode == KeyCode.BACK then
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