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Need help: iOS - Can not kill app — Gideros Forum

Need help: iOS - Can not kill app

RickyngkRickyngk Member
edited August 2013 in General questions
I've just added an external lib, unfortunately, My app crashed randomly (on real device) when launching after killing (use iOS application task bar - like http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7169/6659281893_2fec634711_z.jpg)

After debugging, I saw something strange. Sometime after killing app, I get log:
Aug  3 01:19:23 Rickyngks-iPad backboardd[26] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.guava7.giderosplayer[0xb03b]' quit with signal 9: Killed: 9
This is good case, my app launches well after that.

But If I receive (I put a NSLog in viewWillDisappear function)
Aug  3 01:27:46 Rickyngks-iPad GiderosiOSPlayer[8653] <Warning>: ViewController viewWillDisappear
my app crashes after launching in next time, with log:
Aug  3 01:28:41 Rickyngks-iPad backboardd[26] <Warning>: com.guava7.giderosplayer failed to resume in time
Aug  3 01:28:41 Rickyngks-iPad backboardd[26] <Warning>: Forcing crash report of GiderosiOSPlaye[8653]...
Aug  3 01:28:42 Rickyngks-iPad backboardd[26] <Warning>: Finished crash reporting.
Aug  3 01:28:42 Rickyngks-iPad com.apple.launchd[1] (UIKitApplication:com.guava7.giderosplayer[0x7f0c][8653]) <Notice>: (UIKitApplication:com.guava7.giderosplayer[0x7f0c]) Exited: Killed: 9
Aug  3 01:28:42 Rickyngks-iPad backboardd[26] <Warning>: Application 'UIKitApplication:com.guava7.giderosplayer[0x7f0c]' quit with signal 9: Killed: 9
I guess something prevented my app from being killed, right?
Help me plz !


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