Hi Guys!
At my first experience with game developing and monetization issue, I supposed that the game, Street Pool was specific and that's why CTR and eCPM are so high and above market's average. See:
http://www.giderosmobile.com/forum/discussion/1140/street-pool-new-game-made-with-gideros-studio#Item_36After first month of my second game, Run Checkers on the market I got similiar to Street Pool's result from Admob, of course still: no refreshing of ads...what means displaying one ad per one game:

I assume that this info might be helpful for beginners, because I remember that at the beginning I had big dilemma: refresh or not refresh... #:-S
I'm not hiding ads. It shows on every screen and every time here.
This is from 4 Resim 1 Kelime:
Likes: fxone
The CTR is very low average 35 clicks per 1800 impressions
Btw, what does this mean: "This is from 4 Resim 1 Kelime:"?
Ultimate Games on Appstore
Ultimate Games on Google Play
@thanhquan1512 I'm from Russia. This game on Turkish. It has high eCPM because i have many downloads from Germany, but not from Turkey.
"This is from 4 Resim 1 Kelime" means it is earnings from 1 game named "4 Resim 1 Kelime"
Likes: fxone
@thanhquan1512 If I may:
1. show ads as me and @unlying on every screen or at least at game screen; because your game Monster Mine is not difficult arcade, there is no a lot of occasions to see an ad, only when you pause the game... I suggest to put buttons/time/records on the left and right side and on the bottom put permanently an ad (one ad, no refresh option).
2. I do not see your app on slideme.org store; please consider to publish there, because they have a lot of US users (3rd Android's market in USA as I good remember), then you simply lift up the eCPM and CTR.. and at this occasion you may experiment with point 1 (above)
Likes: hgvyas123, thanhquan1512
Ultimate Games on Appstore
Ultimate Games on Google Play
For example this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.debia.guesspicture
Has more than 50 000 downloads and 500+ reviews. Mostly positive.
And this app on SlideMe:
500 downloads and 1 negative review.
look at this one:
and then:
It's not such bad place for publishing...
No, my downloads not from USA. But my application that has 5000 downloads from SlideMe doesn't has it from USA too. Why do you think that SlideMe is popular in USA?
@unlying: Congratz, more than 50k download in less than a month. Did you spend any money for marketing it?
Ultimate Games on Appstore
Ultimate Games on Google Play
50k isn't great result.
For this app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.debia.rebusisto i have 400k downloads for a month.
For this https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.debia.sostavslova - 300k downloads for a month.
Slide Me:
Google Play:
10x more from SlideMe than from Google Play.
About USA I found some info from here:
And this opinion is also confirmed in my experience from Admob: almost 25% of impressions is from US, and there is missing ca 30% of potential users from USA (besides estimations from Google Play, Amazon, Samsung, Getjar). Some store gave me those US customers and for 90% it must be SlideMe.org
Anyway @unlying please let @thanhquan1512 check this out
and of course you are in the TOP3 in download category in Gideros community for sure, no doubts, and your experience is very precious, a lot more than mine