edited 2013,sep,6
I have posted another screen shot of our Game:
The name of the game is :
"Sea of Giants"

right now we are in touching up phase.
Support us by following us on facebook,Thanks.
I hope you are all doing well.
This is a screen shot of an adventure game that I am making at the moment using Gideros SDK.
I have been in the field of art direction, matte painting, and concept design for almost 8 years.
I am working on this 24/7 ,and it is lots of fun.(Since painting for an ipad retina can take a long time)
This will come out (finger crossed ) in 3 to 4 months.(on all major platforms).
(By the way is it possible to make build for BlackBerry playbook?)
I have done some research about Gideros team before purchasing an indie developer licence:
Mr.Atilim Cetin
Mrs.Deniz Asli Soykurum cetin
(note: And of course I know Mr Gorkem Cetin somewhat ,as he is very active around the forums,
Thanks to Ozapps for reminding me this.)
And to be honest even though it makes me a bit nervous to work with a SDk that has only
2+1 employees.(Of course three experienced employees):)(edited)
It reminds me a lot of my own outsourcing company.
After lots of thinking,and studying I have decided to put my faith in it,
so I have become a paid costumer at the moment.
What attracted me to Gideros is the simplicity, warm community, easy for a corona user transition,
and capability for extending using plugins.
I am optimistic to make a much more stable and faster Android APK using Gideros.
And I hope Gideros Company and its community will grow and expand even more day by day.
Cheers,and I hope you enjoy the screen shot.
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
@OZApss well Gorkem is not listed here: http://www.giderosmobile.com/about/
So probably he's just like me sneaking around the forum, with only difference (living closer to @atilim and @deniz), thus getting all information quicker then we do
Ultimate Games on Appstore
Ultimate Games on Google Play
And thank you for supporting us
Likes: deniz, Platypus
you have no idea how much each one means to me. :x
They keep make me going through the nights. =:)
I love to use products which has been made by passionate people. :x
I get that sense from your SDK.
You will be the first to know. :-c
I want to show what is possible by using your SDK.
Thanks for the tutorials,they are very helpful in the transition.
Cocos2D is developed by Ricardo Quesada.
He was hired by Zynga to keep on developing Cocos2D.
So yes you are right:)
Personally I am more for the bigger team.
One reason I am investing on Gideros,
because when codes pass around among smaller group of people,
(Since every body has his or her own style of writing .)
Codes happen to be more tidy ,neat,and more optimized.
Of course this might be possible for mobile engines, as if you need to
develop a 30 million dollars 3d game that is impossible.
#MakeABetterGame! "Never give up, Never NEVER give up!" - Winston Churchill
Thanks,I love your user name,That is what I call extreme contrast in art;)
I will make some trailers after the game comes out,showing some gameplay:)
Right now,it is way too early.:)
But just in case:)
edited 2013,sep,6
I have posted another screen shot of our Game:
The name of the game is :
"Sea of Giants"
right now we are in touching up phase.
Support us by following us on facebook,Thanks.
link to hi-res image
Thanks for dropping by:)
Likes: OZApps
By the way if I want to support older android phones what is the last release that I have to downgrade to? the one before render to texture got implemented?
Just to make sure would you provide me with the link to it.Thanks
The one in the labs does not anymore (well it still supports armv6 Android devices, but they must support OpenGL ES 2.0)
But don't worry we will emphasize it on the download page when its going to happen
sounds great.