My game is not working with this version on Android devices. I downgrade it to version 2012.09.05 and now it runs ok. I attach the log file with the error.
@achimeno yes I've found this bug a couple of days ago. I've mistakenly used a function available to API Level 9 (Android 2.3) while developing APK expansion files. Therefore crashing occurs on Android 2.2. I'll release an update soon. Thank you.
Thanks Atilim for the documentation, but it is still a little unclear to me... please let me make an example, if the assets/assets folder contain bigFile.png, the .zip must contain assets/assets/bigFile.png or assets/bigFile.png or bigFile.png ?
@Atilim when do you plan to release the bug fix to resolve the Crash?We cannot use the APK extension right now, and stucking with the Android release....
@atilim whenever project exported, images directories exported with all content, all directory, but we need only gproj xml file image content. We don't need all resource directory. Can you check this minor request for new version? Thanks,
@atilim may have been asked before, but is there any way Gideros can start exporting the android project as a widget? or is there an obvious way to do this...
I attach the log file with the error.
@achimeno yes I've found this bug a couple of days ago. I've mistakenly used a function available to API Level 9 (Android 2.3) while developing APK expansion files. Therefore crashing occurs on Android 2.2. I'll release an update soon. Thank you.
please let me make an example, if the assets/assets folder contain bigFile.png, the .zip must contain assets/assets/bigFile.png or assets/bigFile.png or bigFile.png ?
Also please don't forget to select the compression method as store (method = 0).