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Scene Manager Help — Gideros Forum

Scene Manager Help

vetievetie Member
edited September 2012 in General questions
Hello Everyone,

I have been messing around with several source code files relating to Scene Manager and can't get my head around it. The problem is that when I switch to a new scene , the controls (buttons, boxes, etc) are showing up on the new scene. I am just trying to make a simple main menu with buttons to a setup screen, credits screen and game screen. The main screen will contain 3 buttons, Game, setup and credits and I don't want those button showing up on the other screens.

I know that I create a separate screen.lua file for each but how do I keep the main menu button from showing up on the different screens? I did review the game template file (fantastic template BTW) but I am just not understanding it. If possible could someone post the bare basic code to get this to work?

Thanks for any help with this


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