This explains almost what I'm trying to achieve

I have a small circle (shape) and a large circle (again shape). I want the large circle to get engulfed into the small circle, and the small circle should expand for a few milliseconds, then return to its original size.
What functions/scripts should I be looking at, to make this effect as realistic as possible?
People call me "underscore".
Likes: phongtt, atilim
Amazon: Bacon
Should it be in perspective, or simply front view?
Should one element diassolve into another pixel by pixel, or only somehow transform, morph to it.
The last part about expanding and returning to normal state sounds like a Gtween solution with reverse tweening
Amazon: Bacon
I think what I want is: Squeeze the large circle in a triangular way, with the pointed end pointing towards the other circle, and morphing the large circle into the small circle.
I haven't really had a chance to play with TNT Particle Engine yet. If you have some time @GregBUG, could you tell me if this is possible with TNT Particle Engine, as @glennbjr said?
yes i think it should be possible (in 2d and front view) with tnt (with some limitations with current version))
... i'll try to reproduce ... ;;)
but not now... i'm working on my new lib and i don't have much time! :-/
Likes: atilim
Likes: ___, atilim
Amazon: Bacon
just look at my Signature!
Amazon: Bacon
Any little juicy information about next TNT project
can check Box To Box collision (rotated / not rotated)
circle to circle collision, circle to box, box to circle, line to box, box to line, circle
to line, line to circle, point to box/circle.
then i'll add polygon to polygon collision (rotated, zoomed, etc).
when this lib ready i'll update and integrate in TNT Animator Editor so you can check and draw collision mask for every animation frame.
...oh .. and... is written mostly in C++
I hope to finish soon!!
donations would help me to release faster! ... hahaha just kidding! ...