Hi community,
I think Scene Manager is very good to start build game and app layout.
But as you know, there are many games require popup (like pause, setting..) that appear on top of other screen.
So I just think this is very good if scene manager support some thing like:
sceneManager:showPopup("pause", 1, transition), and then
Can someone show some lines of code to implements this?
Thanks! :x
I see how this can be useful. Unfortunately don't have time to look at it right now, but I'm sure someone will. Someone always does
Likes: nextgamevertex
It's a bit basic but it works for me:-)
Likes: nextgamevertex
Likes: nextgamevertex
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
I'll use it in next GameTemplate edition
Already started working on it
Maybe I should also stop adding stuff to projects and get on with finishing them. That is the real problem, I decide it would be cool if the game had ?????? and then spend the next few days working on ?????? instead. Such is the life of a programmer with lots of half ideas
Likes: gorkem, avo
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com
But if you are using buttons, then even toggling, won't disable the push up/down states of buttons, so probably adding event listener to stop propagation is best bet.
I have added a boolean bActive flag into the button class & added a function to set / clear this flag.
I modified the button down eventListener to return if this flag is set therefore the button never gains focus when the flag is set. It's a simple but effective hack for my purposes.
Website: http://www.castlegateinteractive.com