!SOLUTION! - Reinstall Gideros.
Reason - files were deleted form the package by cleaning software.
Im making my POC with Gideros to see how the soft stucks up to the competitors.
And i have to admit that deploying this kind of solution (not native dev env ) is 80% pain in the but. And it's not so different here... ( but this is something we all have to learn to live with

It's kinda weird but When exporting with Gideros i having troubles generating the .h files for my application.
"GDRHelloWorldApplicationDelegate.h" and "GDRHelloWorldViewController.h" + "EAGLView.h" are missing
not to mention the gideros.h
Am i missing some tutorial or my query for roaming this forum isnt right?
Edited: i feel i didn't do justice here. Overall kudos for the soft and all . Liking it very much
Can you check the option "Export assets only" at the export dialog? It should't be checked at the first export.
(But it's weird that only header files are missing)
this is how the classes folder looks
Doing it with 40 lines of code.
"/Applications/Gideros Studio/Gideros Studio.app/Contents/Templates/Xcode3/iPhone Template" to see if the header files are there?
Nope they were not. Reinstalling the soft now , will update on status.
Resolve post with solution and i think i know the reason for this.
Used CleanMyMac and CleanGenius Pro today.