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LFS unable to write in Download folder on some devices with no apparent reason? — Gideros Forum

LFS unable to write in Download folder on some devices with no apparent reason?

Hi, I just noticed this issue and I wonder what it might depend on:
I have access to 2 similar smartphones where the same app (published for internal testing on play store) on one device can write to
while on the other device crashes because (I guess) it can't write there.

The device on which it crashes, has the same crash running the app in giderosPlayer, which is "attempt to index nil with 'write' ".

It can still write to /storage/emulated/0/Documents/ though so it's fine at this time, BUT this sounds like magic: both have permissions to write to external storage, and much more.

Comparing software info on the devices (both S20, one of those S20 5G) it appears that there is no difference between them: they have the same releases, patches and stuff.

Logcat says package does not have legacy storage but that should be true for both devices, since it depends on the package itself. For reference: https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy/storage

Any ideas? Thank you! :|


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