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Gideros 2020.4 is there — Gideros Forum

Gideros 2020.4 is there

hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
edited April 2020 in Announcements
I finally managed to build and upload a new release of Gideros. It has not been tested extensively, but it doesn't contain big changes.

There are two additions worth mentionning though:
- Gideros can now be instructed to only load 'main.lua' on start, instead of loading all files by default. This is useful if your project contains many dependencies and you are used to plain lua style of "requiring" explictly all dependcies
- The studio has two new experimental functions: an option to clone a project to a new location (for example, to clone a sample project), and an option to consildate a project, that is copying all 'linked' files into the project asset folder so that the project folders contains everything needed to build the project. This give you a folder that you can zip or push to github without relying upon external dependencies.

See the full list of changes below.

New features
[core] Add APIs for soft keyboard integration and clipboard access. Clipboard is implemented on desktop only for now, and soft keyboard additions on android only.
[studio] Add cloning and consolidating options

[audio] Allow declaring of streaming sounds (they don't stop when input data is exhausted, so can be used with Buffers)
[audio] Channel:isPlaying() now returns the amount of buffered audio too
[studio] Add an option to only load main.lua on start
[export] Allow plugins to change project files before assets are written (add new plugins to project dynamically)
[luaplugins] allow code to be executed before init.lua, allow assets
[android] add application:get("batteryLevel")
[uwp] Implement setFullScreen,setWindowSize and getAppId

core] fix getLogicalBounds for oriention-less platforms (HTML,UWP,...)
[ogg] handle streaming
[ogg] Fix crashes when stream isn't properly formed
[plugin/rp23d] Ensuire update delay is never 0

As usual, you can get the latest version here:
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