I have been playing with 3D, here is the result:

The controls are very clunky because I need to dive into 3D directions and see how to move the "player/camera" properly. I did a quick ground and cube in blender then exported as obj. The code is a mix of
@hgy29 and
@4aiman Notice the nice lighting effect.
I am surprised how easy it is to setup all the 3D stuff, only a couple of lines of code.
I modified the obj importer class so I could move my .obj files to my gfx assets folder.
I tried to make the camera follow the player à la FPS but I failed
I tried to animate some obj but left it for later, that was an extra (will try later).
That would be nice to build something up from this prototype to have a sample code for a 3D game. All your contributions would be much appreciated.
The code is very straight forward, short and easy to understand.
Don't be shy, give it a try
Likes: keszegh, hgy29, Apollo14, antix
Likes: MoKaLux
I changed the below part of your code:
Likes: MoKaLux
Likes: MoKaLux
Camera: FPS thanks to hgy29
Basic AABB3D collisions: player vs ground, player vs wells
For the wall collisions I would have to draw each walls separately and check for collisions but I preferred to do the "map" in blender 2.8. Was quite fun to experiment! Learning both gideros 3D and blender 2.8.
And another yt video
Once again the code is very short, easy and straightforward. Hope I/you would find inspiration for my/your next or present gideros projects. Peace.
Likes: hgy29, SinisterSoft
Likes: MoKaLux, SinisterSoft
In 3D there're so much stuff that is extremely sophisticated and yet mandatory for modern game development.
Likes: MoKaLux, oleg
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
I am not asking for anything, I am just testing what the engine has to offer (2d, 3d, arabic, networking, ads, ...).
At the end of the day it all depends on the pull (or push?) requests on gideros github.
Likes: Apollo14
I just have enough of what is already in gideros, the main thing is to maintain the efficiency of what is already there.
I think that in addition to 2d, gideros can also be in the niche of games 2.5d, and 3d isometry.(With an orthogonal camera)
3d games where perspective camera i will never do in gideros, i will do on unity
Likes: MoKaLux
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I already made a few full 3D games with it, and I love gideros for its simplicity. To me it just lacks one thing for 3D: a 3D physics/collision engine. And I think I’ve found it, and I began making a plugin for it.
Actually I am not sure what gideros is missing in the 2D field nowadays, perhaps path findings algorithm or other things like that, but otherwise it is a pretty complete engine for 2D, so why not extend its use to new fields ?
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and yet again, thanks for maintaining gideros.
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
Gideros is open source so we are all responsible to making it better to the best of our abilities?
Likes: MoKaLux
or to add application:set for each screen separately? https://github.com/gideros/gideros/issues/370
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
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Manual tweaking takes lots of time (there's TNT particle editor, but it's too basic, not much gain from manual tweaking)
Particle candy I guess was a nice tool
Likes: hgy29
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
I have nothing against unity, but I don’t understand how it works. It is a tool for artists, not for coders. And I am a coder. With gideros, I know what happens on the CPU/GPU for every line of code I type in lua, and it helps me deciding how to achieve my goals.
Btw, no need to try to find me something to do, I am still working on UI widgetkit for gideros, and also integrating opus codec in ogg plugin.
Likes: Apollo14, keszegh, Atavismus, MoKaLux, SinisterSoft
And Core.asyncCalls are extremely convenient (I have no words to express), I use them more and more. I'm starting to understand why SkookumScript creators and Tim Sweeney say that regular programming languages suck for game development. I wonder how hard it is to implement another scripting language - SkookumScript?
(I'm not saying we need that, it's probably overcomplicated and totally unnecessary, I'm just curious in how Lua is binded to Gideros on low level?)
"What one programmer can do in one month, two programmers can do in two months." - Fred Brooks
“The more you do coding stuff, the better you get at it.” - Aristotle (322 BC)
Likes: MoKaLux
Fragmenter - animated loop machine and IKONOMIKON - the memory game
мій блог по гідерос https://simartinfo.blogspot.com
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Likes: antix, MoKaLux
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Anyway I started adding reactphysics3D (see link in posts above) to gideros, and it looks awesome. Pretty much a box2d made for 3D.
Likes: MoKaLux, SinisterSoft
crazywonderfulAbout lua, i found out in a game of minecraft, i programmed a robot there
Likes: MoKaLux, antix
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Likes: MoKaLux, SinisterSoft, antix