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Gideros or Corona? — Gideros Forum

Gideros or Corona?

mejonmejon Member
edited June 2015 in General questions
Hello, I'm new to app development, but I was wondering which Lua game engine is better. I have been using Corona for the past few months, but I was wondering if there is anything that makes Gideros better? I am also wondering if someone could transition all their code from CoronaSDK, to Gideros with ease.


  • GiderosFanGiderosFan Member
    edited June 2015
    I know nothing about Corona but i love for example that gideros you get with and font generator and texture packer and the easy connection for mobile testing on your device. I have read yet that corona just support online building and gideros you can build directly offline. The next feature of gideros is you can deploy on Mac, Windows, Windows Phone 8, Windows Store app, Android and Iphone and I mean i have read about if the goal on kickstarter would be reached HTML5. So what you want more? 1 Code to every platform without any change of a line of code. I think this is the biggest Plus Point for Gideros. And another point is in Gideros you have no costs it's free. And if you would extend your engine you can download and working with the Engine Code from Github. You have no limitations its OPEN-SOURCE you see behind the scenes. I see corona is closed source the same as Unity, Construct2, AGK2 and so on.
  • The community is great. In 99 of the 100 cases you will have an answer for your problem within minutes!


  • HolonistHolonist Member
    edited June 2015
    Corona has a little bit more inbuilt features e.g. for scene management and other stuff. It seems somewhat more mature than gideros. But then again, there's nothing Corona can do that gideros can't (especially if you include community-written libraries, like arturs Scene Manager, in your project).

    I like about Corona that you can install it's ide as a sublime text plugin. With sublime text comes the management of projects simply as folders, which I personally love. Corona is also free to use nowadays. The reason why I couldn't use it is that you are restricted to two PCs, while I store my code in Dropbox and access it on 3 to 4 PCs. So that's a no go for me. Also I like to build everything myself, so the added functionalities of Corona are more like a burden for me (although I think they are quite cool). I advise you to check out both programs. The mobile testing in Gideros is excellent, which is of great importance!

    About the transitioning part: Everything that's not basic lua will have to be rewritten, including sprites, audio, corona/gideros specific objects, and all the libraries included in corona. It's definitely possible to port something, but I wouldn't recommend it at all.
  • talistalis Guru
    edited June 2015
    Hi @mejon welcome first of all.
    I will try to answer your question but before please understand that below comments are consists of my own experiences.


    -Corona was focused to big enterprised companies Hence they don't care about so much (developers) about indie developers. In the last year as far as i follow them they also take big steps like starter version, plugin adds support vs but i still can not feel their fully support (free) .
    -The corona community lost their soul, everyone focused on their job and in the forum you will not be welcomed so much .
    -Corona Api supports so many things and functions but unfortunately it became complicated for a new user.
    -Corona has no offline built functionality.
    -Corona has no easy real time testing functionality.

    Ok honestly after aggressively criticizing one platform let's see Gideros also:D


    -Community is lovely. You will receive your answer within hours. Everyone is trying to help each other.
    -Gideros is not as mature as Corona and the things are developing more amateurish way not enterprised. But it is open-sourced so the cons and pros of a open sourced program is not our topic now :D
    -Api is clean and the learning curve of gideros is much more faster than Corona.
    -Offline built.
    -Windows 8 mob,desktop, Mac , IOS, android support.
    -Great plugin system. You can integrate a third party software so much easily.
    -Dedicated self motivated and so much talented people are working for now on the open sourced code. Again this is for now a plus but maybe in the feature it can be a minus . But i believe that this community will always have this kinds of people.

    As a conclusion before deciding i would suggest to try borth of them by yourself. Maybe some key feature can be missing or existed in one of the framework. So good luck in your quest and do not forget to share your experiences with us.
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  • jdbcjdbc Member
    edited July 2015
    The best of Gideros is offline build and Gideros Player installed in your mobile.

    You start Gideros Studio and write working code is quite easy!
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