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isometricTileMap with flip support [working] — Gideros Forum

isometricTileMap with flip support [working]

piepie Member
edited September 2014 in Code snippets
Hi, I am using IsometricTileMap and I noticed it doesn't support FLIP.HORIZONTAL nor FLIP.VERTICAL nor FLIP.DIAGONAL.
I made some slight modifications to isometricTilemap class and included some bitwise operations (taken from TiledAsWorldEditor since I learned yesterday of their existence :-B ) to read values exported by Tiled map editor.
It works now. <:-P

Everything needed is in attached project, if you have some advice to make it better I am listening... :)

Thank you, have a great day!


[edit] Using complex maps, for realtime ondevice testing I had to recompile GiderosAndroidPlayer, changing the loading order of bitop library in ...MyTestActivity.java. (BitOp is loaded as last lib by default).
I suppose this would be needed also when compiling the game/app itself<pre escaped='true' lang="java">


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