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I don't understand Google Play's Gamified Loyalty Program — Gideros Forum

I don't understand Google Play's Gamified Loyalty Program

Hello guys,

Please help me to understand google play policy about gamified loyalty program.

I am afraid of getting banned in play store or admob if I unintentionally break the policy.

So this is the gameplay of my game that I would like to make:
1. Players will play a simple betting game (not real money betting). If they win a round, they will earn 1 point.
2. After a 1 week cycle, the player with the highest points earned will unlock a code that will be used to top up a mobile load credit. (Here in my country you can buy prepaid load cards that has a unique code in it, just dial the code to top up your sim card with load)
3. The game has no in app purchase function, the revenue will only come from admob ads. So no real money betting here.

According to play policies gamified loyalty program (which I cannot comprehend. Sorry for my poor english comprehension):
Loyalty points or rewards with benefits, perks or rewards associated with a qualifying monetary transaction may only be awarded and redeemed on a fixed ratio basis, where the ratio is documented conspicuously in the app and also within the publicly available official rules for the program, and the earning of benefits or redemptive value may not be wagered, awarded or exponentiated by game performance or chance-based outcomes.

So my humble question is:
Do I am breaking a rule in google play and admob with respect to the mechanics of my game?

Thank you in advanced. :)


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