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Gideros 2020.2 released — Gideros Forum

Gideros 2020.2 released

The first 2020 version of Gideros is available.

It comes with its usual set of fixes and a few improvements that have been discussed here in the forum. It also brings two new features:
- UrlLoader can now handle infinite streams, and let your process received data as it comes.
- a Buffer object is now available in Main API: it allows to manipulate a memory buffer in a more elegant manner than concatenating and splitting lua strings, and the buffer can be accessed both by lua and gideros file system.

With this, you can create sound programmatically and stream it in real time. Or you can download and play a sound stream, as demonstrated by the new 'Shoutcast player' example.

And maybe many uses cases that I didn't think of :)

See the full list of changes below.

New features
core] Stream mode on UrlLoader
[core] New Buffer object
[sample] Add Shoutcast example

[android] Improved heading recovery
[ios] Use internal MP3 player
[plugin/reactphysics3d] More bindings

[core] Fix resolution handling
[pi] Remove QT code from native Pi sources
[plugin/reactphysics3d] Fix joints creation
[html5] Fix uncompressed export
[gfx/font] Fix uninitialized BG on TTBM fonts
[installer/win] Fix doc links
[lib] Fix objloader
[plugin/lfs] Querying drives isn't allowed on UWP

As usual, you can get the latest version here:
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