I suddenly started getting GiderosPlayer.exe crashing on launch. GiderosStudio.exe works fine. It's due to an update that I just did, but I don't have the information about what changed.

"> I {snip}'d out a bunch to fit in the character limits of the forum
My configuration (I don't even really know what's relevant):
libqt4-opengl 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu5.3 Qt 4 OpenGL module
% wine --version
wine-1.4 |
The error
Unhandled exception: page fault on read access to 0x00000000 in 32-bit code (0x00000000).
Register dump:
CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:0063 GS:006b
EIP:00000000 ESP:0084f60c EBP:0084f628 EFLAGS:00210212( R- -- I -A- - )
EAX:00000d56 EBX:7eca1ff4 ECX:0023d988 EDX:0023dd78
ESI:0023dd78 EDI:00000000
Stack dump:
0x0084f60c: 7ec772d5 00000d56 0084f65c 00231014
0x0084f61c: 0023de00 0084f670 0023dd90 0084f678
0x0084f62c: 6d0a686f 00000d56 0084f65c 00231000
0x0084f63c: 00000000 0023e120 00000040 0023e088
0x0084f64c: 0023e001 0084f6b4 7bc35c6f 00000000
0x0084f65c: 00000001 0023e088 7bca5ff4 00231000
=>0 0x00000000 (0x0084f628)
1 0x6d0a686f in qtopengl4 (+0x6686e) (0x0084f678)
14 0x004012b8 in giderosplayer (+0x12b7) (0x0084fe70)
15 0x7b85b3ec call_process_entry+0xb() in kernel32 (0x0084fe88)
16 0x7b85ea7b in kernel32 (+0x4ea7a) (0x0084fec8)
17 0x7bc71f80 call_thread_func_wrapper+0xb() in ntdll (0x0084fed8)
18 0x7bc721bd call_thread_func+0x7c() in ntdll (0x0084ffa8)
19 0x7bc71f5e RtlRaiseException+0x21() in ntdll (0x0084ffc8)
20 0x7bc4c8ce in ntdll (+0x3c8cd) (0x0084ffe8)
0x00000000: -- no code accessible --
Module Address Debug info Name (119 modules)
PE 400000- 649000 Export giderosplayer
PE 61180000-6118e000 Deferred pthreadgc2
PE 61fc0000-61fe3000 Deferred gideros
PE 63400000-6341c000 Deferred gfile
PE 65100000-65ab4000 Deferred qtgui4
PE 67d80000-67e0d000 Deferred pystring
PE 6a1c0000-6a47c000 Deferred qtcore4
PE 6d040000-6d136000 Export qtopengl4
PE 6e940000-6e950000 Deferred libgcc_s_dw2-1
PE 6e9c0000-6e9f9000 Deferred lua
PE 6fbc0000-6fbc7000 Deferred mingwm10
PE 6ff00000-70041000 Deferred qtnetwork4
PE 78000000-78044000 Deferred msvcrt
ELF 7b800000-7ba17000 Dwarf kernel32<elf>
\-PE 7b810000-7ba17000 \ kernel32
ELF 7bc00000-7bcc2000 Dwarf ntdll<elf>
System information:
Wine build: wine-1.4
Platform: i386
Host system: Linux
Host version: 2.6.32-33-generic |
Let me know if there is any more information that will be helpful.
~/.wine/... ?
If I can assume it is libqt4-opengl then the apt history shows I changed version