I though I might as well do this. The GM Asset library doesn't have all the images we need, nor can we find them all online for free. Well, just for the fun of it, I'm taking suggestions for new sprite packs. Right now, I am working on an amazing looking card pack. (*) I took a break for a few weeks, but it's almost done. To request some, just leave me a comment. No guarantee that I will make it. I may not be as good as people like Daniel Cook, or other amazing graphic artists, but I'm alright, and practice makes perfect. Why am I doing this? For practice and just for the fun of it. And if you make anything with my art, please LMK.

) I just noticed... :-B This totally looks like me and my glasses are just like it!
and not this one:
:-B -> :-))
Likes: atilim