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Project Properties settings — Gideros Forum

Project Properties settings

I have questions regarding the project properties dialog.
Is there documentation about it?

What does those settings do? :

General tab
Version code
Build number
Retina display

I'll ask about other panes later...


  • Great! Retina Display is just a marketing brand of a high pixel density technology. How does that applies to a setting?
  • All right! As for Version code, its relative to this :
    versionCode — A positive integer used as an internal version number. This number is used only to determine whether one version is more recent than another, with higher numbers indicating more recent versions. This is not the version number shown to users; that number is set by the versionName setting, below. The Android system uses the versionCode value to protect against downgrades by preventing users from installing an APK with a lower versionCode than the version currently installed on their device.
    The value is a positive integer so that other apps can programmatically evaluate it, for example to check an upgrade or downgrade relationship. You can set the value to any positive integer you want, however you should make sure that each successive release of your app uses a greater value. You cannot upload an APK to the Play Store with a versionCode you have already used for a previous version.

    Note: In some specific situations, you might wish to upload a version of your app with a lower versionCode than the most recent version. For example, if you are publishing multiple APKs, you might have pre-set versionCode ranges for specific APKs. For more about assigning versionCode values for multiple APKs, see Multiple APK Support.

    Typically, you would release the first version of your app with versionCode set to 1, then monotonically increase the value with each release, regardless of whether the release constitutes a major or minor release. This means that the versionCode value does not necessarily have a strong resemblance to the app release version that is visible to the user (see versionName, below). Apps and publishing services should not display this version value to users.

    So, we should set it to 1 and when we make an update for a new release, add one to it.
  • olegoleg Member

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  • I still don't understand what does the Retina drop down. What impact does it have on the project?
    Same for Autorotation.
  • hgy29hgy29 Maintainer
    About retina option, this tells the os your app is high dpi aware and prepared to get a high res canvas to draw on. If you don’t tick it, you will end up with a canvas comparable in size to non retina displays, and iOS will scale it to fit the screen making it a bit blurry. If you use one of gideros scaling modes, you will want to enable retina to get crisps graphics.

    Likes: antix, oleg

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  • So, it's more a target setting than anything else? If I target some Retina enabled devices, I set this option on and it'll do the trick without changing my scripts?
  • What if I set it by default to for iPhone and iPad for all my projects even though I don't target any Apple products. Does it impacts performances or other things?
  • antixantix Member
    In theory if you don't have i devices and aren't targeting them, it shouldn't have any impact.
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