First, I did read a number of forum posts here and have finally been able to show some ads using Gideros plugins
But I have some questions about how you guys normally use it? (correct me if I am wrong. Hope you don't mind I ask in one post)
Statement 1: 'requires 'ads' only works in device, not desktop player'- At the moment, I have to comment + exclude the the file containing any 'ads-related' line during debugging. Only at the final stage (exporting APK to device), then only I remove the comment or include those ads-related file. Is that the way you normally do?
Statement 2: ClientKey and Ads Key are optional at the UI
Since we are able to specify in the code, so there is no need to specify in the UI right? Or if I fill in here, I could skip that at the code?
Problem 3: What are all these "Installation Android" guide for?
Sorry I have no idea what is this for? So far I am able to show the ads in Lua, at which stage would I need this?
Statement 4: I only need to call 'LoadAds' once right?As observed, the interstitial ads only require one time calling of 'LoadAds', after the ads is displayed and dismissed, it would be automatically 'Loaded' subsequently, such that, I just need to call 'ShowAds' later on.
that's all it takes
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P.S.: Sorry I may be a little bit long-winded... I would test this myself..
admob will not pay you
if you do not specify the keys
For each game, the admob creates a separate key
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My current solution is to have the following code where I use admob.
The document you refer to is ancient and at some point in the near future it will be removed. Sorry for the confusion this causes
Likes: newbie2018
You can use debug mode (as from antix's post) to trigger demo ads, while you check if you need to load them at all with getdeviceinfo().
See here from Mr.Sinistersoft:
Likes: oleg, newbie2018
Really appreciate your answers! I didn't realize it could written that way. Gideros/Lua is really flexible
Likes: antix
@SinisterSoft's code is better for other cases however
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