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i_Wattsi_Watts Member
edited December 2014 in General questions
Hey, I just have a quick question.
I am creating a physics oriented game, where using a ball you hit blocks of ice. The ice starts with 100 hitpoints, and after every hit, it loses 10 "health". I want the ice to "crack" after it has been hit 5 times, or brought down to 50 hitpoints by using a second image, a "cracked" image. here it a sample of my code so far.

-- Creating the ice function
function ice(x, y, scale, xScale, yScale, strength)
--create brick bitmap object from brick graphic
local ice = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("./ice.png"))
--reference center of the brick for positioning





--create box2d physical object
local body = world:createBody{type = b2.DYNAMIC_BODY}
body:setPosition(ice:getX(), ice:getY())
body:setAngle(ice:getRotation() * math.pi/180)
local poly = b2.PolygonShape.new()
poly:setAsBox(ice:getWidth()/2, ice:getHeight()/2)
local fixture = body:createFixture{shape = poly, density = 0.5,
friction = 0.01, restitution = 0.3} --increased density, friction, less restitution
ice.body = body
ice.body.type = "ice"

strength = 100
ice.body.strength = strength

--add to scene

-- loading in the ice blocks

ice(185,200, .4, 0.45, .35, 100)
ice(295,200, .4, 0.45, .35, 100)
ice(240, 150, .3, 0.8, .35, 100)
ice(425, screenH - 105, .3, 0.3, 1.5, 100)

-- the hit function

local function onBeginContact(event)
-- you can get the fixtures and bodies in this contact like:
local fixtureA = event.fixtureA
local fixtureB = event.fixtureB
local bodyA = fixtureA:getBody()
local bodyB = fixtureB:getBody()

if bodyA.type == "ice" and bodyB.type == "ball" then

bodyA.strength = bodyA.strength - 10

if bodyA.strength == 50 then
print("crack image")

-- Replace image with "cracked" version of image




the program works to the point where it prints "crack image" when the health of the ice is at 50. I've tried a few different methods of removing the old ice and adding the cracked ice, but I keep getting strange error codes. Im a little bit new to Box2d so im not sure what the rules are for replacing images and what not.
Thanks for the help,


  • ar2rsawseenar2rsawseen Maintainer
    Accepted Answer
    @i_Watts what you can do is to store reference to bitmap in your body, when creating ice, like
    ice.body.bitmap = ice
    And then when it hits 50 you can do:
    if bodyA.strength == 50 then 
       print("crack image")
       -- Replace image with "cracked" version of image
       bodyA.bitmap:setTexture(Texture.new("cracked_ice.png", true))
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