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Forum design — Gideros Forum

Forum design

vyh77vyh77 Member
edited July 2014 in Suggestions & requests
Hi all! I'm new to Gideros!

I hope not to hurt Gideros' team feelings, but I have to ask this, would you mind changing the forum design? it looks extremely ugly! and from what I've read I'm not the only one with this opinion ;)

This is for now the only "problem" I'm having, Gideros is a fantastic tool and I'm enjoying using it :)


  • This subject was told more than 1 time before. Unfortunately every time the priorities was on other subject. But within time step by step the missing things are being added to forum. Like search(Google search), question answer plugin, anti spam,bookmark etc..

    As a conclusion when i look back to the subject again i kinda like this forum. Simple, useful and mobile friendly. :)
  • eezingeezing Member
    I think the functionality of the forum is perfectly fine. Maybe the colors could be changed?
  • vyh77vyh77 Member
    Actually I'm not criticizing the functionality, which I like, but the esthetics, I'm sorry for the confusion.

    Especially the color combination is ugly.

    I think it would look good if Gideros's homepage design was used on the forum too. There would be also more consistency across the website. And it's probably easy to do.
  • HarrisonHarrison Member
    edited July 2014
    Who knows when (or if) this will get changed, so as a temporary measure you can write yourself a greasemonkey script (or tampermonkey for chrome) to fix it. I might try to make one just for the fun of it and then I can upload it.. if i ever get around to learning how.. :)
    “ The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time. The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time. ” - Tom Cargill
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