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ZeroBrane Studio 0.70 is out — Gideros Forum

ZeroBrane Studio 0.70 is out

paulclingerpaulclinger Member
edited June 2014 in General questions
I recently released a new version of ZeroBrane Studio, a Lua IDE that integrates with Gideros and provides debugger, syntax highlighting, auto-complete, static analysis, and other features to support Lua development.

The last two releases include switching breakpoints without stopping the application, bookmark support, re-indentation of code fragments, and numerous improvements to the user interface. You can get the latest release and check the updated documentation on the project website: http://studio.zerobrane.com/.

For those new to ZeroBrane Studio, @keszegh's tutorial can be a good starting point: http://www.indiedb.com/tutorials/gideros-with-zerobrane


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  • HubertRonaldHubertRonald Member
    edited June 2014
    Hi @paulclinger
    Thanks for share!

    I have seen several videos on ZeroBrane and it seems amazing, :D but I have a question and I don't know if you can absolve me this question.
    Is the source code of our apps reviewed through ZeroBrane's computer servers or ZeroBrane works without internet? :)

    Thanks for your time and Keep it up! ;)
  • @HubertRonald, thank you for the feedback! The code you are working on is only "seen" by your application and ZeroBrane Studio running on your desktop (or whatever computer you are using to run it). The only connection ZBS (currently) has is between the debugger components in the IDE and in your application. The IDE doesn't "phone home" or does anything else similar to that and your code is not sent anywhere.

    It's possible that it will change in the future as I plan to add a package manager that may need to check for the list of available packages and the latest version of the IDE, but it's a fairly standard practice and won't affect the visibility of your code or anything else done in the IDE.
  • "The last two releases include switching breakpoints without stopping the application"

    nice. i had this weird feeling when i could work on my files and switching breakpoints that it was not possible earlier, but now it is. then i thought that probably i was just stupid, in the past some config was wrong etc, so i took it for granted at the end. after all it was not only my imagination.

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