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greetings to all! — Gideros Forum

greetings to all!

jvdmjvdm Member
edited February 2013 in Introduce yourself
greetings to all!

my name is Jacques, i'm a South African living and working in picturesque Switzerland. i currently work for a well known IT security company doing DevOps type work. i'm essentially a bundled sysadmin/developer. :)

i found Gideros a few weeks ago while trawling the interwebs in search of a friendly, approachable game framework that allowed me to publish without having to jump though hoops. the framework looks great and it seems that this community is really nice, and something i'd love to be a part of.

game dev wise, i don't have a lot of experience although i have written a few basic roguelikes in Ruby and Python. at one stage i played around with pygame but nothing really came of it.

i love games, and have been gaming for years. it all started playing arcade game in an actual arcade and progressed to VIC-20, C64, ZX Spectrum etc. and just followed on from there. i used to be an avid pen-and-paper RPGer as well, but unfortunately that fell away after leaving South Africa and my gaming group behind.

i guess the reason why i'm here is to learn from experienced game devs and try my hand at developing and more importantly FINISHING games. i have a number of game ideas and i'm not that bad at drawing purdy pictures. if i could one day leave the realm of DevOps and IT operations in general, and live off game dev then that would be awesome!

i'm really looking forward to meeting everyone and joining in what looks like a rocking little community.


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