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Does Anyone Have Experience In RESTful API? — Gideros Forum

Does Anyone Have Experience In RESTful API?

ljp1203ljp1203 Member
edited December 2012 in General questions
Hi everyone!

I wanted to know if anyone has experience with RESTful API. It's somewhat a downfall of mine. I can't seem to figure out how to do it, even if I look at it for a while, or try to fiddle with it.

I am using Kinvey as my backend-service and I have all the necessary files to make my app ping the Kinvey server. I can't seem to understand what to do after that. If anyone has experience in this, I wanted to know If you could help me. Or can direct me to a good source for the knowledge.

I will be willing to pay if I really have to. I just need to learn the bascis of it just so that I can then expand my knowledge on it.

Thanks in advance!
Lead Coder and Designer


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