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Raycasting Engine & 3D Object Engine release by BiorhythmGames — Gideros Forum

Raycasting Engine & 3D Object Engine release by BiorhythmGames

edited November 2012 in Code snippets
Hello All,

We wanted to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and release a few interesting code samples for use with the Gideros SDK. Those of you who follow Gideros on Twitter may have already seen the Raycasting demo link tweeted - we hadn't anticipated anyone would find it in the week leading up to launching our site - but that's the internet for you :)

I won't go into too many details here as you can read more about us and the samples on our site. What I will say though is until recently we were set to create our first project with Corona but switched to working with Gideros. As part of that transition, I ported a number of code samples originally created for the Corona SDK to explore Gideros and get a feel for working with it.

Two of the most interesting are the Raycasting Engine and 3D Object Engine demos.

Raycasting Engine


You can follow the link to read more about about the port and download the source code [here]

3D Object Engine


You can find out more and download the source code [here]

We will be releasing more samples and updates on our current project over the coming months. Check out the site for various way of following us (Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and so on). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via the forums here or (preferably) our site.

- BiorhythmGames


Likes: gorkem, deniz, atilim

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