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Painting a Shape Object with multiple line colours — Gideros Forum

Painting a Shape Object with multiple line colours

OZAppsOZApps Guru
edited November 2012 in General questions
Can a Shape object be filled with a gradient by altering the line colours? All of the colours change to the last set colour.

@Atilim, anything?

Or is the option to use a Mesh object with a gradient?

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twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
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  • YEP! Found that the mesh object works better for gradients, faster and more convenient. from an example provided by @Atilim.
    twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
    Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
    Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
  • john26john26 Maintainer
    I've done exactly this in my recent game Nebula Retro. Here is the code
       local block=Shape.new()
       local h,s,v=rgb2hsv(r,g,b)
       local l=10
       local n=math.floor(width/l)
       local delta=width-n*l
       for i=1,n do
          local r2,g2,b2=hsv2rgb(h,s,v)
          local color=rgb(r2,g2,b2)
          block:lineTo(-width/2+i*l,    -height/2)
          block:lineTo(-width/2+i*l,     height/2)
          block:lineTo(-width/2+(i-1)*l, height/2)
       if delta>1 then
          local r2,g2,b2=hsv2rgb(h,s,100)
          local color=rgb(r2,g2,b2)
          block:lineTo( width/2,    -height/2)
          block:lineTo( width/2,     height/2)
          block:lineTo(-width/2+n*l, height/2)
       return block
    Here, hsv2rgb is a function to convert colours in hue, saturation and value format to red, green, blue. The result is a rectangle with gradient fill.
  • @john26,
    That's nice, but there are so many other variables in there, functions that are called in a loop. The faster way that I found is mesh
     mesh = Mesh.new()
      1, 10, 10,
      2, 110, 10, 
      3, 110, 110, 
      4, 10, 110
      1, 2, 3
      1, 3, 4
      color1, 1, color1, 1, color2, 1, color2, 1
    This seemed to work fine for me to create a gradient rect of 100x100 at 10,10 with the gradient starting from color1 to color2 (Vertically), you can even have 4 colours at each corners.
    twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
    Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
    Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
  • MellsMells Guru
    edited November 2012
    I find working with this Mesh Api really simple and enjoyable.

    Fog example

    During my tests I found it better to create my meshes around the screen's top/left [0;0] to keep its container center... centered.
    You probably already know it so it's not directed to you, but for a beginner at least it's good to understand that the center of the mesh's container is set at [0;0] if it's an empty Sprite, or one which parent is stage for example.
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • @Mells, that link doesn't appear to work?

    I haven't used the mesh in anger yet, need to have a play with it.
  • MellsMells Guru
    edited November 2012
    @moopf Really? it works for me and it's located in my Dropbox public's folder so it shouldn't be a problem with permissions.
    I attach it to the forum then.

    Can other members confirm that the link doesn't work?

    With a wrapper to make things easier to use, I think meshes have a lot of potential.

    Likes: OZApps

    Fog.zip 352.8K
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
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  • @Mells, you know what. It's chrome being an idiot - if I right click it's fine, if I left click it does nothing.

    I've just downloaded it and given it a run but I'm not sure it's showing correctly in my player?

    Screen Shot 2012-11-14 at 10.37.30.png
    833 x 896 - 1M
  • MellsMells Guru
    edited November 2012
    great :)

    @moopf Maybe it has to do with the player's settings?
    Player settings [Hardware] :
    Orientation -> Landscape left
    Resolution ->1536 x 2048 (iPad Retina)

    This is how it should look like :
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • @Mells, nope it does the same thing with those settings. Thing is I've just remembered that I'm actually using a different version of Gideros as I'm testing some bug fixes for Atilim on packed textures. I'm wondering if there's some other change in this version that's messing with meshes - it definitely does not look nice like your image!

    I've sent Atilim a message to ask him to check your project as well just in case it is an issue with that.
  • @moopf
    I'm on Gideros 2012.09.02.
    Thank you for sending him directly, I hope it helps to find if there was an hidden bug somewhere.
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
  • @Mells That fog effect is great
  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    Now I've fixed it. It's a bug only @moopf can see :)

    Likes: moopf

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  • atilimatilim Maintainer
    edited November 2012
    @OZApps, also it's possible to combine texture mapping and color vertices as in @Mells' example to achieve interesting effects.
  • @Mells examples like this make me understand, that I don't know anything about capabilities and options Mesh can offer :)
  • AHHH!! between 9.0 and 9.2 the Mesh API has changed and it breaks because the earlier API was Buffer and now it is Array. I hope it does not change any further. The example above would work perfectly well if we made that change as
    instead of
    instead of

    @mells, your sample is quite nice.
    twitter: @ozapps | http://www.oz-apps.com | http://howto.oz-apps.com | http://reviewme.oz-apps.com
    Author of Learn Lua for iOS Game Development from Apress ( http://www.apress.com/9781430246626 )
    Cool Vizify Profile at https://www.vizify.com/oz-apps
  • Hey all,
    glad this sample was helpful.
    I have been experimenting with the Mesh Api to produce some visual effects, I hope I have some time soon to clean things a little and post here.
    Also I need to produce some original art for the sample above, so it can be shared freely as CC.
    twitter@TheWindApps Artful applications : The Wind Forest. #art #japan #apps
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