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Could The Kinvey Backend Service Do This? — Gideros Forum

Could The Kinvey Backend Service Do This?

ljp1203ljp1203 Member
edited October 2012 in General questions
Hi all!

Now I have a question about tables and dates. My app depends on dates being sent from one user to another to allow them to see when their planned event is going to happen. Also add in times and locations. Now i'm going to have a part of my app where it allows the user to View/Edit their event. Now I'm going to have a table setup in there that allows the user to see what they've received as an event and also the ones they've created. I want it to update every time either a new event is added or one is edited. And i want this to be updated as the user does it so that they're friend can see the updated info. Also, I need to implement a location adding part of my app. I need to send the location of one user to another with the date and time of the event. And also, I need to implement a chat system into my app, so that users can talk to each other through the app rather than through texting or Facebook. I wanted to know if Kinvey had these feature. So my question is this:

Could Kinvey be able to provide these for me?

Lead Coder and Designer
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