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How To Use Gideros Scene Manager? — Gideros Forum

How To Use Gideros Scene Manager?

ljp1203ljp1203 Member
edited October 2012 in General questions
Hi all!

I need help with Gideros Scene Manger. I was on http://appcodingeasy.com/Gideros-Mobile/Manage-Scenes-in-Gideros-Mobile , and I was following all the steps, but when I try to run the Player, I get an error.

Here is the code of my file:

sceneManager = SceneManager.new({
	["loadmain"] = loadmain,
	["mainmenu"] = mainmenu,
	["createEvent"] = createEvent,
	["Party"] = Party,
	["Vacation"] = Vacation,
	["Other"] = Other,
	["ViewEdit"] = ViewEdit,
	["Settings"] = Settings,
	["Help"] = Help,
	["FAQ"] = FAQ,
	["About"] = About
sceneManager:changeScene("mainmenu", 1, SceneManager.moveFromRight, easing.outBack)
mainmenu = gideros.class(Sprite)
function mainmenu:init()
	local background = Bitmap.new(Texture.new("Images/test.png"))
Here is the Error:

main.lua:13: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 1) near ']'

Also, I've downloaded the scenemanager.lua file and added it to my project. I followed all the steps on AppcodingEasy's Website and I still can't get it to work.

I hope someone could help me with this :)

Thanks in Advance!
Lead Coder and Designer


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