This discussion was created from comments split from:
A Stackoverflow like QA system, instead of this forum..
Original message by
You can mark things as solved.
Best rated answers are shown on top.
Rep system will encourage people to contribute more (You can give people with top rep a free pro account )
You can sort questions by number of votes, to find interesting questions.
Another site to manage.
The best open source scripts for this (that I know of) are these (Ruby, MongoDB) (Python/Django)
Edit: Oops, posted this in General questions. Please move this to Suggestions & requests
But now I'm so used to this forum, even with it's crappy search
Let's say if we move support questions to QA system, what will be left to chat about in forum?
For QA questions, that platform is soo much better. For discussions, like this one, we can still use this forum.
Also, what if there's nothing left to chat about in the forum, as long as users benefit from it?
Sidenote: offers free and paid hosted services. I tried setting up a test account for Gideros, but there signup page doesn't seem to be working right now.
I have severe mood swings, I may disappear from here any day, and return 6 months later
If it will be improved this place is really good:D
And i totally agree with @ar2rsawseen if we move support topics then we will have nothing to chat about.
Also, there are some guidelines about how to post good questions (to get good answers) and this format is the best in my opinion to find an answer quickly.
And last, answered/unanswered questions are easy to find.
That's why I would add my voice for a Q&A system, if that's something that the Gideros team is interested to experiment in the future.
Just my 2 cents
It shows best answer first and marks answered questions, which are like threads in any category.
Only I don't know about point systems, but that is additional incentive. But this addon can really improve the quality of support provided inside the forum.
Tiny example:
Check out stackoverflow for the ideal implementation of a QA system.
I vote against using this plugin.
But anyway, let's at least give this a try.
Likes: ar2rsawseen