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Barcode app — Gideros Forum

Barcode app

marble68marble68 Member
edited June 2012 in Marketplace
Hi all - I have a client asking me to create a bar code scanning app that would be for trade shows.
They register people at the door, print out a badge with a bar code, and then exhibitors can scan their badge to get their registration ID.
Then, the exhibitor goes online, posts their scanned IDs, and downloads the contact info.

Could this be done with Gideros? How much would someone charge me to create this?

The reason I want to see it done in Gideros is 1) I currently use Corona SDK 2) This would be a good project to see Gideros in action 3) I'm hoping to see it done with Gideros in mostly LUA so I can tweak it 4) I would like to be able to see an add on project first hand.

As far as bar code library - the open source libraries would be the ones I would want to see done as an add on to Gideros. For server side, I can probably do that, but if you could I'd prefer to see it done in .NET as this company is a Microsoft based company.

zxing is the open source library that would be a good one to use.

Budget for this is somewhere around $4000. I would get all source code and rights to the end result (except open source stuff, of course) so I can grant them rights.


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