I really love the Graphics3D example, & tried to modify with another .obj .mtl.
figured out loading was fine, but cannot see any images.. ( I've changed horse: scale & position,however, still the same)
Could you check the attached file, & let me know what was the problem?
I downloaded that from
The provided .obj/.mtl loader is far from handling all files. I wrote it as a quick way to load the horse specifically. For one thing, it only handle triangle meshes and fails if anything unexpected is found.
Since it s written in Lua, you can try to enhance it to accept your .obj file.
Likes: antix, MobAmuse
I'll try.
Thank you anyway!!
Likes: MobAmuse
I have tried quite few obj format exports complete with uv mapped textures and none display correctly or at all by fiddling with the horse example.
I feel another kickstarter coming on to offer better support for 3d model importing etc in gideros from apps like Blender, Sketchup etc.
Would really like to do some 3d texture based stuff in Gideros but currently the pain barrier with importing objects is to too high to make that a reality.
Likes: antix
Likes: MobAmuse, jdbc
I am planing to develop a 3D game but Gideros does not provide me not enough features for it.
Likes: antix
That way I can hook into them and change them dynamically.