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Debug using Gideros player on target using ZeroBrane — Gideros Forum

Debug using Gideros player on target using ZeroBrane

BigWinstonBigWinston Member
edited October 2013 in General questions

I use (the fantastic) ZeroBrane studio for most of my Gideros development - I get a lot of use out of the debugger.

Only problem is, I've not yet been able to run the player on my device (iPhone) to debug from within ZeroBrane. The simulator on the PC appears to be my only choice - I don't see how I can enter in the IP to run with.

Can anyone help?

Note: I've tried the proposal below, with no luck



  • @BigWinston, Just in case, what platform are you on and what version of ZBS (you can find the version in Help | About)?

    You need to make sure that the the following has the address of the device: ide.config.gideros = {remote ="ip.or.name.of-the-device"}

    And the following includes the address of the computer ZBS is running on:

    Enter the first command to the Local console and put the second one into your script; as @bowerandy described, add mobdebug.lua and luasocket to your app.

    When you run your application from ZBS, it will configure gdrbridge to connect to the device (using that remote IP you configured) and when that application is started on the device, it will connect back to the IDE using the IP you provided in the "start()" call. Let me know if that helps.
  • Hi Paul,

    Sorry for the delay in my response. Using your instructions I have been able to get it working.

    I probably misread @bowerandy's instructions - its been a while, but I seem to remember adding the target device IP to the script, not the PC running ZBS.

  • @BigWinston: sounds good; thank you for the update.
  • Those who come across this topic can also reference the detailed tutorial that covers on-device debugging from @keszegh: http://www.indiedb.com/tutorials/gideros-with-zerobrane
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